
























简介【每周五更新】从小五音不全的卢思思因为结缘古代皇家歌姬之首云音歌仙而变得唱歌技能爆表,由此被好友推荐进入Pink Idol 女团,在女团生活中,卢思思由不被其他团员接受一步步晋级至C位,并带领大家将Pink Idol做成国内顶级女子组合……










内容简介:横穿S11春季赛比赛现场,本以为要当场退役的许小安,意外觉醒了名场面复刻系统。【请在以下选项中,选中需要复刻的名场面……】【1天雷;2地火;3飞升】那一刻,观众沸腾了。同时,台上台下… …Shy哥:这剑魔,有我那味儿了!乌兹:卧槽!这VN!爷青回!Rookie:这全家桶放得很好,下次不要放了!Letme:这人怎本书关键词:游戏竞技《联盟:开局复刻名场面,我无敌了》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、刺青、神之禁忌目录、领主时代:百倍增幅、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、夫君是我一手带大的、秋以为期、那个被我活埋的人、离婚后的我开始转运了、前方动漫有高能、三国:开局收服太后、居山海、跨物种相亲、异世之虫族无敌、武侠:开局算计师娘、玄幻:我!天命大反派、艾泽拉斯女神、黎明之后、绯闻太多是我的错吗、私密保姆、僵尸世界:神级选择、草茉莉、大唐:开局炸了太极殿、都市:开局一艘十万吨核动力航母、最豪赘婿、Omega男友饲养指南[女A男O]、猎狮Ⅰ、陛下,你这样很容易失去我、大秦开局迎娶政姐姐、从斗罗开始俘获比比东1w0-78077 >>




内容简介:新文求预收《与宿敌的七重人格HE了》,《穿成妖魔领主的宠物后》治愈系甜,求预收抱住本文文案:顶流男团DEVIL的成员尚林微,常年雄踞热搜榜,可惜十个话题九个黑。他的口号是“这世上没有我 想做却做不成的事”,嚣张气焰一再挑战网友底线。无奈现实打脸,经历一次黑料曝光后他被公司彻底雪藏。把低谷期过的有滋有味的尚林微被拉去参加活动,就在他高谈阔论diss对家男团Stellar的时候,被Stellar的C位言遇之撞个正着。两C相遇必有一战。然而,言遇之把他逼到墙角只为要他签名又顺便把他救出鸿门宴的圈套尚林微终于对对家改观,为表诚意,他决定离开雪藏自己的原公司,加入对家男团。Stellar粉丝疯了:这是人干的事言遇之从没想过自己的无心之举居然招惹上这么一个魔鬼,表示后悔不迭,并对这位新成员表示拒绝。尚林微:“开玩笑,我会被拒绝”于是孔雀开屏般围着言遇之乱转,导致言遇之宇宙钢铁直男的人设受到一亿点暴击。尚林微粉和言遇之粉掀起世纪大battle。可打着打着,两家粉丝害怕了。尚林微粉:哥,请你停止散发魅力。言遇之粉:哥,你怎么了哥?那是你的宿敌啊你忘了吗雨林CP粉:扶我起来,我还能磕后来连尚林微自己都害怕了:我记得我曾经好像是直的言遇之:那是曾经了。天神下凡自带气场高冷会害羞攻富可敌国杀气逼人绝美小恶魔受排雷:无副CP,有队友戏份,无原型文风在沙雕和深情之间反复横跳前期双暗恋后期甜甜的爱情提意见欢迎,求轻喷,给点面子1w0-72682 >>




内容简介:“你是我的。”恶魔宣告响彻在她耳边。他权势滔天,冷戾强势,却独独将她捧为掌中宝,宠溺无限。在她被继母暗害、遭至爱背叛,沦为一无所有时他空降而来。霸道冷血总裁化身宠妻狂魔,脚踩渣男,手灭 贱女,将她宠上天。“宝贝嫁给我,我会让那对渣男贱女跪在你面前叫你婶婶。”1w0-4270 >>


内容简介:铠甲吾为最强欧克瑟铠甲吾为最强欧克瑟小说阅读穿越重生小说铠甲吾为最强欧克瑟由作家夜下孤灯创作穿越铠甲世界,成为马青山,天天好集团大少爷,开局就感染欧克瑟病毒!本想与人为善,却发现被世人 所不容,既如此,那就当一个欧克瑟又如何?吞噬,进化,从击败铠甲开始,做最强欧克瑟,哪怕是铠甲,也得乖乖俯首听命!刑天铠甲,幽冥军团,五行铠甲,ERP,暗影界……各方势力逐渐出现!本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】小兵提供铠甲吾为最强欧克瑟最新章节铠甲吾为最强欧克瑟最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-84163 >>


内容简介:道不尽的人生坎坷,写不尽的官场风流。一代天骄张一凡,放弃了显赫的家庭背景,只身来到一叶小镇,成了历史上最年轻的镇长。斗贪官,平黑道,整治安,求发展,且看他如何从一介小小的镇长,平步青云 ,直达天听。都说官场坎坷,人生渺渺,凭什么他可以醉卧美人膝,笑看风云起?情场得意,官场风流?把酒风含笑!1w63982-116453 >>


内容简介:从小克死爹娘,六岁死了阿公,生在大山里的顾迟迟是人见人嫌的小扫把星。可那年一场大水,让她看到了十六的傅西城,一眼望去惊为天人,更被少年惦记上了心!不料神仙哥哥从天而降带她回了家,从此奶 包变团宠,七个哥哥轮流宠……傅西城不乐意了:“别理他们,你有老公一个就够了!”顾迟迟:“老公是什么,有糖甜么?”傅西城唇角一勾:“有,比糖还甜!”1w18380-67931 >>




内容简介:他前世本是一尊剑道天才,如今却重生成了一株小草。“一粒尘沙都可填海,一株草又如何?一样能斩尽日月星辰!”他不屈狂傲,其叶如剑,共生九片,九叶翻动时,天翻地覆,剑气斩开大宇宙,天下无敌。 这是一株成仙路上的草,经过一路修行,最终俯瞰万亿生灵,屹立在无尽仙巅的传说!1w0-73361 >>


内容简介:  当本体宗天武神躯遇上力量之祖黄金龙,当邪神武魂暗魔邪神虎遇上帝皇瑞兽三眼金猊兽,魂师与魂兽的针锋立场,会发生什么,是天生的对立,还是宿命的纠葛?当一个少年穿入绝世后,成为破国灭宗的 天魂帝国本体宗成员,机缘巧合与三眼金猊命运相连,三眼金猊是否还会再现原著的悲剧?天魂帝国和本体宗是否还会如同原著一般破国灭宗?这个少年将会在斗罗大陆上掀起怎么样的浪潮?1w0-3284 >>


Katsuya's life is turned upside down when he contracts a strange blood disease. On one hand, a doctor who is an old friend tells him to seek treatment immediately -- but then a strange man appears and tells him that the doctor will kill him. Who's telling the truth, and what exactly is this 'Specter' he's infected with? And what could it possibly have to do with his dead father...?


Freesia is set in an alternative Japanese society that is at war, and has passed a law legalizing retaliatory killings. If somebody kills your loved one, you are legally sanctioned to kill, or hire someone to kill, the victimizer. The manga is set around a character who works for a firm that specializes in these retaliatory killings. Summary obtained from Omanga

Nemurihime Age

From Shoujomagic: Ayane's seventeenth birthday may very well be the worst day of her life. From the moment she opens her eyes in the morning, it just goes from bad to worse. The crowning glory is when she throws a beer in the face of a man whom she only realizes later is her favorite musician, the wildly popular Shiina Etsurou. Ayane loves to sing, and she's really good at it, but fate seems determined to play these cruel jokes on her. The best joke of all is Ayane's abnormal height of 173cm (5'8'). She can't step on a stage without being laughed at...she can't meet her idol without throwing beer in his face...it's enough to give a girl a complex. So when Shiina comes back and wants to make music with Ayane...she declines the offer!? V3: Story 2: Ring A Ding The story of how Shiina and Yuu met. V.6: Story 3: Friends One year later... A continuation of 'Sleeping Beauty Age,' focusing on the unresolved emotions between Ayane, Ryouta, and Nakako. V.6: Story 4: My Sweet Relationship with You Kousuke is in love with his next door neighbor and childhood friend, Ruriko. They always used to play together as kids, but now she won't even let him in her house. Hoping it will bring them closer together, Kousuke lies and says, 'This guy Eiichi who I thought was my friend is trying to kick my ass,' and tries to get Ruriko to shelter him... dropped by ShoujoMagic on 10-15-07

Crazy For Daddy

From Fushichou: Crazy for Daddy is a collection of unrelated, hard yaoi one-shots by Chi-ran. From light-hearted humor, to angst and a taste of the forbidden, each chapter embraces a wide variety of subjects and emotions, exploring the different sexual relationships between eclectic groups of characters. Some of the stories contain elements of bondage, non-con themes, and incest. 1) Crazy For You: Mizugami is surprised one day when that woman, who was his first and last, suddenly appears after sixteen years and tells him he is a father. Not only that, but his son Yuuri is now his responsibility. Yuuri has always harbored an attraction for his small, cute daddy, and can’t see the man as his father. Can Yuuri help his daddy see beyond the forbidden and accept him as a lover? 2) So, I Know All About It: Mitomo sleeps with other men for money and as a hobby. Toudou is his childhood friend and wants him to stop, nagging constantly about pride and self-respect. He has always loved Mitomo and has never been with another, wanting to give his first kiss and first experience to his childhood friend. Mitomo knows Toudou is a virgin and taunts him until Toudou finally gives into the seduction, making love for the first time with Mitomo. Just when Toudou thinks that things have changed and all is right in the world, he catches Mitomo with another customer. Can Toudou convince Mitomo to give up his whoring ways? 3) Cute Little Devil: Ibuki Kaoru is a normal human who keeps 4 demons as pets. The youngest demon, Dooru, is connected to Ibuki because if he doesn’t drink Ibuki’s blood, he can’t survive. Having Dooru drink his blood while he has sex with the demon, fills Ibuki with indescribable pleasure. But at the climax, Dooru always calls the name of another. It makes Ibuki want to bully him. After one particularly harsh punishment, Dooru slips into a coma. Can Ibuki bring the demon back by revealing his true feelings? 4) The Sun and the North Wind: Soleil, the sun god, loves Nord, the north wind god. But Nord will have nothing to do with him. The moon god Lune, fed up with the depression in which Soleil has fallen, suggests that the sun god try a different strategy to win over Nord. Soleil challenges the north wind god to a contest, where the winner stands to gain it all. Can the sun god win the game and the heart of the north wind god? 5) Heaven: What’s the difference between sinful and non-sinful sexual relationships? Is loving someone a sin, even if that person is of the same sex? If wanting to be with the one you love, wishing to share happiness with the one you love is a sin, then why did God give humans bodies of flesh? These are questions that a beautiful priest can not easily answer when pressured with sweet temptation. Will he lose his faith to the dark haired demon that taunts him? 6) Display House: Takayuki Mukai lives in the corporate dorms directly across from Meguru Esaka’s home. Meguru is a voyeur, watching Takayuki entertain his guests, and slowly developing feelings for the other man. He uses his knowledge to blackmail Takayuki into giving him shows on a regular basis, having sex with random strangers in the window so that Meguru can watch from his room directly next door. Meguru’s goal is to eventually make Takayuki his. In that showroom where Takayuki’s shameful performance unfolds, will he ever realize the love that Meguru has for him?

Ben Hadden

Ben Hadden summary: Ben Hadden summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ben Hadden. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Star Trek - War Drums

Star Trek - War Drums summary: Star Trek - War Drums summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Star Trek - War Drums. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Comparative Study of the Negro Problem

A Comparative Study of the Negro Problem summary: A Comparative Study of the Negro Problem summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Comparative Study of the Negro Problem. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Marvelous Land of Oz

The Marvelous Land of Oz summary: The Marvelous Land of Oz summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Marvelous Land of Oz. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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