








类别悬疑 热血 冒险 日漫


















类别恋爱 爆笑






内容简介:小三登堂入室,妖孽老公却气定神闲。史上最憋屈的正室刘伶小宇宙爆发,诛小三、踹渣男。佛争一炷香,人争一口气!她刘伶绝不做畏首畏尾的主儿!然而,寻觅“第二春”的收妖之路漫漫长远。这不,才出 龙潭,又入虎穴……哎哎,刘伶同志,你马脚露得也太夸张了,别人说啥你信啥?姐姐哎,您这是重整河山收妖孽,还是被妖孽扮猪吃老虎,纳入掌心?青春帅气小嫩草,多情多金俊老公……两枚妖孽齐齐站,如果是你,你选谁?1w0-45915 >>




内容简介:花心傲娇作天作地天天都打自己脸猫系受VS外表妖孽内心小甜饼人脸识别障碍以为是狐狸其实是忠犬攻本文又名《贺少爷他又啪啪打脸了》文案贺屿全身都是矫情的毛病,洁癖、讨厌吵闹、讨厌男朋友太粘着 自己、讨厌这讨厌那……自从认识萧凛后,贺少爷天天都在自打嘴巴。认识萧凛前,贺少爷:看来以后找对象还是要找各方面条件都差不多的。认识萧凛后,贺少爷:条件是什么,我就喜欢你这样的。认识萧凛前,贺少1w0-89961 >>


内容简介:大小姐的修罗场(NP)是由甜烟所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供大小姐的修罗场(NP)最新章节阅读大小姐的修罗场(NP)全文阅读大小姐的修罗场(NP)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现大小姐的 修罗场(NP)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-81379 >>


内容简介:新文《反派夫君再三坏我姻缘》求预收,有大纲,绝对不坑,我保证︿ ̄︶ ̄︿柔颐郡主姜思乐觉得自己真是倒霉透了,虽为庶女,生母早逝1w0-75141


内容简介:  唐太宗是千古一帝吗?商纣王是山古暴君吗?谁才是秦皇之下第一人?是雄才大略的汉武帝吗? 且看一代杠精,陈通如何在皇帝聊天群中,拨开历史的迷雾,从不同的角度看待帝王的千古功业。这是 一场颠覆历史,颠覆三观的旅程。来看一看炎黄先祖真正的智慧!1w0-1512 >>


内容简介:  穿越斗罗大陆,觉醒暗金恐爪熊,古风会何去何从,如何成就神祇之位。1w0-2795


内容简介:陆先生的占有欲最新章节由网友提供,《陆先生的占有欲》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的其他类型作品,小兵免费提供十度天新书陆先生的占有欲最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1w 0-64165 >>


内容简介:苏娇:我只谈银子,别跟我谈感情,伤银子。她以赚银子为人生宗旨,躺在银子里数钱为人生目标,两手抓两手都要硬本以为给自己找了个靠山闷声大发财,那靠山怎么靠着靠着,往她身上靠了“在我心里,银 子才是最讨喜的。”“那你看我银子这么多,是不是也稍微讨喜一点”“那要看你有多少了。”“许你整个天下”各位书友要是觉得布偶最新小说作品《财迷小医妃》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-74475 >>


内容简介:每个人都是一本书,每一段经历都是一个剧情。人死后会成为一本书,书里的内容就是死者的生平,有人成了名著,有人成了禁书。整个世界就是一座图书馆,剧情和现实在互相影响着。而我,就是图书的谱写 者。(友情提示:本书轻微烧脑。)书友群:719845746作者qq:853304679本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我从恐怖世界来》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71400 >>


内容简介:淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)小兵,淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)sodu,淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)小说,淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)顶点,淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)妄季, 高H,简繁从?62开始为未发表于其他地方的【全新】短篇,唯发于此最近完结的长篇:P站它成精啦!(高H,简繁)hot活在成人片AV的世界(NPH,简繁)#校草#师生#公媳#青梅竹马※注意※1?1?61为作者的短篇文章汇整,方便归整搜寻,内容与独立成篇的相同,小心不要重复订阅了!2关于1V1的界定。前提:女主在和男主H前可能是处OR非处i结局选择和男主一人在一起为1V1,标注1V1。ii若男主为女主的出轨对象,结局未写明是否与原对象丈夫、男友、暧昧对象等分开,偏向开放性结局,则不标注1V1(ii类常见于公媳文)女上男下,被压着强肏,后入,NP,1V1,电车,野外,兄妹,公媳,强奸,轮奸,按摩棒↗↗↗,口口,颜射,双穴齐插……求个珍珠,让我知道你喜欢这本书∠」∠(点击“我要评分”即可送珍珠),么么哒简繁版本在同一章节,上简下繁,按一个版本收费2大部分是1V1,另有NP、NTR(较少)3各个作品的详细文案可戳↓进入作者“妄季”的作品区根据篇名查找或是直接戳下方的对应连结↓↓↓*妄季的连载完短篇合集*淫色(高H,简繁)希望大家能支持一下,谢谢*妄季的已完结长篇*1淫女浪事简体H淫女浪事繁体H慾望情事录(BG,高H,简繁,1v1短篇合集)*妄季的已完结短篇*1师父,我还要!师徒1V1,BG高H,简繁公公,不可以!公媳1V1,BG高H,简繁小姐,请慢用。主仆1V1,BG高H,简繁嘘,小声点!兄妹1V1,BG高H,简繁性色童话之灰姑娘1V1高H,简繁讨厌,不要停!电车强制,高H,简繁诱奸美媳妇(公媳,高H,简繁)少爷,来吃我!(主仆1V1,高H,简繁)媳为吾妻(公媳1V1,高H,简繁)不吃入穴焉知其硕(兄妹1V1,高H,简繁)按中生情(高H,简繁)出轨就该找公公(公媳,高H,简繁)路遇巨棒猛男(高H,简繁)和尚夫君好会插(1V1高H,简繁)公公,求你了(公媳,高H,简繁)中了他那根巨棒的毒!(原名:无做不爱(高H,简繁)双胞胎的好处(原名:佳偶天成(兄妹,1V1高H,简繁)竹马操青梅(3P高H,简繁)胯下的诱惑(公媳1V1,高H,简繁)骚媳妇的快活人生(公媳,高H,简繁)严谨教授浪儿媳(公媳1V1,高H,简繁)严肃警哥媚弟媳(高H,简繁)迷奸大肉棒哥哥(高H,简繁)被校草设计轮奸(4P高H,简繁)叫公公一声好老公(公媳1V1,高H,简繁)这不是我的好儿媳!(三观不正坏同事X形象崩坏 >>


内容简介:  陆水身为陆家唯一男丁,今天接到了族里大佬的命令:前往慕家退婚。听说慕家天之娇女一夜间修为尽失沦为废物,导致陆家大佬非常不满,欲要退婚,另寻婚选。普普通通的陆水没有拒绝。而当陆水来到 慕家见到未婚妻的时候,懵逼了,原来这个上一世凶猛又不和的妻子也重生了。1w0-1651 >>

Kimi No Neiro

From Ai's Bookshelf: Akira Tsubakiya has spent her whole life being told she looks like a boy. She’s super tall, she has a flat chest, and she’s not girly at all… In middle school, she made a promise with a boy who went to her cram school, Haru— a promise that they both would aim to get into the same high school, a prestigious academy. Haru told Akira that he likes girls with long hair, and since she started to fall for him, she grew it out. Now she’s graduating from middle school, and has decided to confess her feelings to Haru. Unfortunately, she finds out that he has a girlfriend—a super-cute, girly, long-haired girlfriend! Akira runs home and chops off all her hair, deciding that there’s no point to trying to be girly. Fast forward to Akira’s first year in high school. She still wears a skirt, but she wears the top half of the guys’ uniform to school. She’s called “Prince Akira”, and all the girls are infatuated with her. Akira hasn’t seen Haru in a while, but she does bump into Haru’s “girlfriend”… who she discovers to be in fact a boy!

Vampire Juuji Kai - Fallen Vampire

Thousands of years ago, Vampire King Akabara 'Red Rose' Strauss lost both his kingdom and his queen. Since humans were unable to kill the queen, they sealed her away, erecting thousands of fake seals so that the king would never find her true location. Despite being pursued by relentless dhampires, Akabara continues to search for his queen to this day... Akabara's quest takes a sinister turn when an entity called the Black Swan appears. The Black Swan inhabits the body of a young human girl every 50 years, giving her the power to destroy the Vampire King and his queen. With each incarnation the Black Swan grows stronger--will the 49th Black Swan mean the end of Akabara?

I Became The Chief Of A Primitive Village

i became the chief of a primitive village manhua, Su Bai, a novelist, falls from a cliff. Then He Transmigrated To Another World, The Primitive Tribe Society, and Using the Daily Assistance System and Modern Society's Knowledge, he led the Primitive Tribe out of Poverty and transformed it into an advanced civilization! Mc Will Build His Own Territory To Be More Advanced! Animal Ear Girl, Farmland, Mc Will Build His Own Territory To Be More Advanced!

Carramer No Yumemonogatari

In the Carramer no Yumemonogatari series (カラメールの夢物語シリーズ), also called 'The Carramer Legacy' series: 1) Princess e no Tabi (プリンセスへの旅; Journey to the Princess) / Crowns and a Cradle When Prince Josquin de Marigny swept struggling single mom Sarah McInnes into a limo, he revealed a secret. Sarah's father had been in line for the Valmont throne -- and now her son was the heir! The brooding, blue-eyed prince promised Sarah everything she'd ever dreamed of if she would remain in Carramer -- except his heart.... Baffled and bewildered by the sense of homecoming, Sarah was torn. Josquin had given her a new family, but he'd also investigated her past, lied to bring her to Carramer and he'd be regent for her son. So once he took her in his arms, could she trust the promises he made? 2) Koi wo Wasureta Prince (恋を忘れたプリンス; The Prince Who Forgot His Love) / The Baron & the Bodyguard Watching over him... Playing royal bodyguard to Mathiaz de Marigny, the seductive Baron Montravel, was a temptation few women could resist. But the moment he was out of harm's way, Jacinta Newnham had fled his château -- and abandoned memories of moonlit nights that left them both weak with unfulfilled passion. Now stricken with amnesia and in danger once again, Mathiaz summoned Jacinta back to his side. Jacinta vowed to protect his life, but the greater peril was to her heart -- and the haunting secret she could never reveal. When the truth surrounding Mathiaz's accident -- and Jacinta's connection to it -- surfaced, would he force her to leave, or refuse to let her go again...? 3) Prince no Shukumei (プリンスの宿命; Fate of the Prince) / The Marquis and the Mother-To-Be Back in her lush, beloved Carramer, Carissa Day purchased the perfect B and B for raising her babies-to-be. Trouble was, an aristocratic 'intruder' proved she'd been swindled -- her new home was actually his royal lodge. Worse, he proved to be Carissa's teenage crush, Eduard de Marigny, Marquis of Merrisand -- now more irresistible than ever. Penniless and pregnant -- with triplets! -- Carissa had to flee. Eduard, however, had other ideas. Namely, a partnership giving Carissa a title and protection -- and giving him an instant heir. Still, even with reignited passion burning between them, even with a kingdom at her feet, could Carissa wed her first and only love -- and forever forsake having his heart? Descriptions taken from FictionDB. Note: These are #4 - #6 of Valerie Parv's The Carramer Legacy series.

The Torn Bible

The Torn Bible summary: The Torn Bible summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Torn Bible. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Serapis summary: Serapis summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Serapis. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Geste of Duke Jocelyn

The Geste of Duke Jocelyn summary: The Geste of Duke Jocelyn summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Geste of Duke Jocelyn. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Happy Thoughts

Happy Thoughts summary: Nora Clark is a 14 year old girl. She was going to be in high school now, freshman year. Central Park East High School was nice so far. Having only gone to the orientation at the end of 8th grade may not have been a great decider, but it was something.

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