





Fate_Grand Order Comic Anthology Next







在这个世界里每个人都拥有着一股潜在的力量——魂能!而男主“武记”却在幼年时就被发现是没有魂能的残缺者...…(不定期更新ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ)




















内容简介:赤贯妖星从天而降,世间一切从此颠覆,超能时代降临,古武,异能,机甲,当真理就在机甲枪炮射程之内,当规则在武者异能神秘覆盖之下,万物皆虚,万物皆允。这是一个天才辈出的时代,人族和兽族冲突 不断,联邦和帝国明争暗斗,平民与贵族矛盾重重,少年天问持天之道踏入波澜壮阔的世界,来自星河彼岸的超智,又会给这个世界带来怎样的火花,让我们拭目以待吧。作者:暖男不胖所写的《苍穹尽染》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-82032 >>


内容简介:她一朝身死,再次醒来已然是文华国的第一废柴,还是人人皆知的傻子,受尽嘲讽,受尽欺凌,居然还要被迫代替继妹和亲他国。好,不就是嫁人吗?她偏要活的风生水起给你看!至于白莲和有眼无珠的太子? 定让你们悔的肠子都青了!1w0-36838 >>


内容简介:江城有传言:颜家四朵花,颜汐最丑。不止丑,而且手段狠辣,有人说她心肝都是黑的,冠有魔女之称。一手搅乱秦、苏两家婚事闹得满城风雨,她被人奚落这辈子都别想嫁出去。订婚宴上,她被拒婚,他却当 众说:“我觉得,她是最好的。”后来,她果然风光大嫁。霍瑨深,金字塔尖上的人物,英俊成熟有魅力,江城名媛以嫁给他为目标。他却说:颜汐,娶了你,才叫真正的人生赢家。1w0-27628 >>


内容简介:  重活一世,方景没想到自己会被选中参加变形计,那个被广大网友称为富人的游戏,穷人却当真的节目,重点是自己居然是穷的一方……企鹅群号:6176507621w0-1438


内容简介:千年前,唐峰攀登昆仑山,意外坠崖,穿越上古星空大阵进入星辰之海,自此,走上修仙之路。千年征战,横扫星海,成就无上仙身,为紫微仙君。唐峰穿越星空大阵,损耗元神,重返地球,却发现,地球仅仅 过去了六年的时间,而且,他还有了一个粉嘟嘟的宝贝女儿。高冷的霸道女总裁前女友,聪明的女儿,从此,让星辰之海战栗的紫微仙君,开启了极品奶爸的全新人生。1w0-1328 >>




内容简介:一命二运三风水,四积德五读书,六择偶七择业,八交贵人九养生。且说命和运,自古丝来线去,缠夹不清,穷人与富人似乎在出生时就已决定一生。非也!君不见拮据之徒穷儿乍富,屠狗之辈飞黄腾达。君不 见富埒陶白却江河日下,直至家散人亡。活人要想凭增好运,必要借助枉死之人,邪祟之物,常小旗无意间收到一具清朝女尸,恐怖祸端随之而来……恐怖灵异类型的优秀作品真的很多,比较出彩的作品,我们可以一起来读读《背尸人》这本吧。这是一本在堂前雁笔下洋洋洒洒的努力了多少个时日才完工的小说,你可以感觉到什么叫才华横溢、什么叫文笔流畅,作者灵感源源不绝,处处精彩不断。好书一本啊!洋洋洒洒的埋头疾书续写中收藏,关注,点赞必须的哟!小兵及时更新为您奉上最好的服务。堂前雁无抄袭纯原创力作之背尸人最新章节、背尸人无弹窗广告全文阅读连载、背尸人TXT电子书下载最好的服务给最好的您。最好的阅读平台您我他她共同创!各位书友要是觉得《背尸人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!魁星阁《背尸人》章节列表目录地址:请复制后分享给您的好友!好看的恐怖灵异小说排行榜推荐1w0-75022 >>


内容简介:小兵提供叶庭芳大神最新作品《清穿之得添福后》最新章节列表,清穿之得添福后全文阅读,清穿之得添福后无弹窗,请关注清穿之得添福后吧,本站最新最快更新清穿之得添福后的最新章节。1w0-803 91 >>


内容简介:  虚拟梦境设备?这是什么鬼?“用来做白日梦的?没兴趣。”“什么,百分百虚拟现实?一个晚上能当半年用,还能从现实中复制一个角色?嗯,真香。”“第一个梦境,当世界其他所有人都消失,只剩下 我一个?”PS:群,696714917本书改编漫画已经上线,下载个腾讯动漫APP,搜本书书名即可找到,欢迎大家去看漫画版。1w0-4082 >>


内容简介:简介:上山找羊,意外跌落山崖,醒来后发现胎穿到了不知名的朝代。四处观望,发现这个家真是一穷二白,吃不饱,穿不暖,住的还是泥土房,外面下大雨,里面下小雨。上有姐姐,下有妹妹,原本想着靠自 己现代人的灵魂绝对能过得精彩绝伦,没曾想命运如此多舛。各位看官,且看凌云如何在这时代创造自己的传说!1w0-82093 >>


内容简介:圣光历2998年3月,阿拉尔大陆艾伦瑞斯帝国首都艾伦瑞斯城北二十公里外一片稀疏树林里,一位十六七岁的少女手持一柄长剑,快速穿插在树间空隙,旋身,横挥,滑行,洒出一道金色剑气,将前方一棵 一人合抱的大树根部炸成灰烬,大树轰然倾倒。持剑少女168公分,小巧的头颅,一头笔直金色长发顺滑柔亮,细长的眉毛弯弯如月,水蓝的标准尺度双眼皮眼睛清澈明亮,可爱的鼻子细致挺翘,粉红微翘的薄薄小嘴晶莹透亮,小巧的瓜子脸流畅柔和,细嫩的颈脖白皙柔软,34D的碗形胸脯挺翘饱满,一件雪白的丝质无袖短衣堪堪遮过胸脯,裸露着可爱享受阅读享受午后阳光带来的慵懒惬意,一杯下午茶一本好书。享受生活,享受小说给您带来的美好时光从现在开始。本站全面拒绝弹窗,绿色免费喜欢小说喜欢小站希望您点击分享把心情分享给大家吧!1w53193-95837 >>


内容简介:  在这个神怪遍地的世界经历了第六个纪元之后,煌煌天夏降临了!…………玄浑道章书友群:【762873632】玄浑道章?造化之界:【526275426】玄浑道章VIP书友群:【61538 7042】…………1w0-206 >>

Baka To Tesuto To Shoukanjuu

Based on a popular light novel. from Baka-Updates Manga: The protagonist is a guy who is among the stupidest of the stupidest in the school. In this school, your grades can, under the supervision of teachers, take a virtual form to do combat! However, if you leave an examination half way, you get zero marks. A bright and cute girl, Mizuki Himeji, was having a high fever during the examination. Despite her potential to be the second highest scorer in the level, she obtained zero marks for having left due to her illness and is thus allocated to the worst class, class F. Grades mean almost everything. For Class A, they have a smart-looking teacher, a plasma TV as big as the entire wall as their blackboard, personal laptops, personal air-cons, refrigerators, adjustable seats and all kinds of different appliances. Within the refrigerator, there are all kinds of drinks and snacks. Their ceiling is made of glass, the wall lets them put up high-class drawings and plants. As for Class F, the worst class... They have Japanese desks and seat paddings. Their blackboard is dirty and there is no chalk even! Someone complains that the legs of his desk are broken, so the teacher asks, 'Didn't we distribute some glue to stick wood together? Glue it back yourself later.' Another one complains that wind is blowing in from the broken window. The teacher says, 'I got it. I will apply for plastic bags and invisible glue to fix it later.' There are spider webs everywhere, not a patch of the wall is clean. A unique moldy smell spreads across the entire room; it must be from the old tatamis used to tile the floor. This is the status of class F. The protagonist feels displeased at such an arrangement, and seeks help from his friends to try to make a change through summoning war!! And they devise all kinds of plans to try to beat the famous class A, intending to get class A's classroom and equipment if they win!!

Karma Na Skill De Musou Suru Isekai Harem Kaitoudan

Karma na Skill de Musou suru Isekai Harem Kaitoudan manga, Isekai Phantom Thief, TOGA NA SKILL DE MUSOU SURU ISEKAI HAREM KAITOUDAN , Isekai Robin HoodTakio Asakawa is an ordinary salaryman who surprise, surprise dies and gets reincarnated into another world. A big fan of isekai stories, Takio is immediately ready for his OP slow life adventure.However, when he enters the other world, he discovers that not all is as it seems. Adventure guilds are a relic of the past, and income inequality has plagued the country. Technology has also progressed to the point that guns exist, making swords and sorcery fairly useless.However, Takio discovers that he has a special skill with slight of hand, he can steal from others as easily as breathing air. After recovering a woman who claims herself to be the reincarnation of the legendary thief Goemon Ishikawa, Takio realizes that he was brought to this world for a specific reason: to enact justice by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.

Kids Are All Right

A Webtoon that reminds us of the value and importance of family. This is a story about childhood- a time of laughter and tears, joy and sorrow.. And ultimately a time of growth and change.

Hana To Uso To Makoto

Some time before the June of summer. One day, she suddenly died... 'I' and the corpse of the girl who should have died, 'Makoto', spent those false summer days in that apartment. The relationship between these two sad, distorted people slowly becomes clearer...

Ten Years Near the German Frontier

Ten Years Near the German Frontier summary: Ten Years Near the German Frontier summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ten Years Near the German Frontier. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

From Plotzk to Boston

From Plotzk to Boston summary: From Plotzk to Boston summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of From Plotzk to Boston. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Slow-Witted summary: Fu Jia wanted him. Fu Jia was unwelcome in this house, so much that even the servants were allowed to scold him as they wished. His father’s wife hated him to his very bones but he wasn’t bothered at all. They could try to make him leave the house with all their might but that would never happen. As long as he remained here, he would still be undefeated. The first warmth Fu Jia felt in this house had came from Lu QiAn. Although they have never spoken to each other before, and Lu QiAn had no idea who he really was, Fu Jia couldn’t help but wanting to get close to him because of that one trivial matter… This is a story of how the gong taught the shou to court him from start to end. This is a story of how two children found redemption in each other.

At the Fall of Port Arthur

At the Fall of Port Arthur summary: At the Fall of Port Arthur summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of At the Fall of Port Arthur. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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