


简介话说有一个天真、可爱、可悲、懂事的小男孩,在幼时被梦中的圣诞老公公欺骗(?)下,在九岁起就虚报年龄地边打工、边上学,并十分努力地赚钱去养活自己那对废柴父母。 但好景不常,他在16岁的那年,因为父母输了大钱,而把儿子(即主角)的身体器官卖给黑道。在逃亡中,奇怪地和一名千金小姐产生下不解之缘,,之后就被委任为其管家。
















简介1965年,在钱先生的建议下,原属国防部第五研究院成立了一个名叫749局的部门。 几十年后一些机密档案的解封,才逐渐暴露出 749局是应对各种科学知识无法解释事件的存在。直到今天,749局还在正常运作中。 他们的工作人员已经跑遍了全世界。或许在你身边,就有他们的人在。所以千万把书藏好,不要让他们看到,否则…… 下一个机密档案的主角,就是你。 【改编自刘栋安魂曲同名小说】 【每周二~四~六~日~更新哦!】













《真香[快穿]》by 楼不危(下)(10)

内容简介:《真香快穿》by楼不危(下)10小说全文免费阅读完整版在线阅读小兵玄一刚才也在那殿中,他们几个人说话又没有避人,他自然是听到的,眼前的这个男人声称怀了他们尊上的孩子,还说的还有鼻子有眼 的,仙尊现在把这个人留在千雪峰上,难不成是真的觉得他的肚子里怀了他的孩子?玄一1w0-100630 >>


内容简介:  有一天,方觉宇的父母把他叫到书房。方父:“儿子,你今年也满20岁了,有些事是时候告诉你了!”方觉宇:“什么事?您不会突然告诉我您是个富翁吧。”方父一惊:“你都知道了?”方觉宇:“卧 槽?真的?我瞎说的。”方父:“不过这不是重点,今天我要把我们家一代代传下来的传家宝交给你!”从此方觉宇的生活出现了翻天覆地的变化。什么?你和我谈古董字画?你要王羲之的书法还是郑板桥的画作?哦,对了,梵高还送了我祖祖祖爷爷一幅画!你说为什么?因为他们的求学之路就是我的祖先们资助的!你要和我谈跑车?你是说兰博基尼,法拉利还是布加迪威龙?那些公司都有我的股份,而且我还是最大的股东!啥?你家里有矿?不好意思,非洲的好多金矿钻石矿也都是我家的!书友群:8669389371w0-944 >>




内容简介:主角重生洪荒,开局就遇到盘古身化万物。觉醒神级选择系统,选择就变强!“选择一:夺舍太清老子,奖励混沌至宝混沌珠,盘古精血九滴!”“选择二:夺舍玉清元始天尊,奖励至尊功法《九转混沌决》, 盘古精血九滴!”“选择三:夺舍上清通天,奖励至尊剑典《斩天剑典》,盘古精血九滴!”开局就夺舍太清老子!在龙汉量劫之中崛起,纵横巫妖量劫,主宰封神,霍乱西游!超脱天地大道!……不一样的老子,不一样的三清,不一样的洪荒,同样的精彩!【简介无力!请看正文!】1w0-78400 >>


内容简介:【热血玄幻·升级流·一代谋圣驰骋异界】记忆被封印的天才少年谋圣,一场意外让他被卷入了大陆无尽黑暗的漩涡……当难以让人接受真相曝光之时,面对未知的力量、强横的敌人、还有那永无止境的三界追 杀,他的选择,又会是什么?◆手持通天噬灵器,内修魔道弑神决,乘骑洪荒超神兽,驭使深渊百万军。◆你有你在意的钱权酒色,我有我珍惜重视的热血伙伴!胆敢手欠犯我者,管他天地容不容、诸强服不服!不服!打到你服!各位书友要是觉得《魔道剑神》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-26996 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:网游之我有十倍反伤】叶辰重生十年前高三时代,回到划时代网游《神迹》降临地球的最初时刻,意外获得了十倍反伤的天赋技能。当别人还在努力做任务打怪的时候,他直接冲入 怪堆中反死一片怪物,轻松刷怪升级!当别人还在组团心惊胆战刷boss时,他一个人将炼狱级最强boss魔女逼到了角落,抓住魔女柔嫩的小手,硬往自己身上拉。叶辰:“来嘛!来嘛!来打我嘛!”被反伤到只剩一丝血皮的魔女BOSS惊恐大叫:“不要!放开我!我让你过还不成吗!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-71545 >>


内容简介:《空之梦幻想曲》万米高空上的浮空大陆,蔚蓝天空下的地表诸洲。魔法与科技,和平与战乱。它们奇妙地融合在一起,奏响人类前行发展的乐章。浮空大陆上的懒惰少女哟,你还没有意识到自己的责任吗?你 的存在本身,就有着其意义所在,有其要履行的职责所在。曲子已经响起了,初心的稚嫩舞者啊,是你登台表演的时候了。来吧,就在这个世外桃源一般无人知晓的小村子里,迈开你的步伐吧。你将会带给人类什么样的舞蹈呢?虽然你会迷茫,你会痛苦,你会悲1w0-78117 >>




内容简介:人死的时候会有意识吗?会,因为我经历过。这个世界上真的有鬼吗?有,因为,我就是。借体重生后,发现他有一个美到窒息的老婆,睡,还是不睡?各位书友要是觉得《林羽何家荣》还不错的话请不要忘记 向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1239-4827 >>


内容简介:晋江独家发表,感谢每一个的小可爱晚上9点更新,求收藏每天都被撩得好气啊攻x在挨r边缘不断试探皮皮受文案死亡后被拉入恐怖游戏必须要不断逃生才能获得复活时间纪无欢表示一点也不慌,不仅不慌, 各位书友要是觉得《在逃生游戏里撩宿敌》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-26388 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我惊悚游戏的房产,被妹妹曝光了】惊悚游戏降临,世界充满危险。楚道获得私房钱增幅系统,只要藏着的任何有价值之物不被自家妹妹楚小雨发现。那这藏的私房钱就会一直增幅 。因此。楚道直接将自己的私房钱全部藏到了惊悚游戏之中!直到某天。自家妹妹楚小雨被选中成了惊悚游戏的玩家。无意间开着直播。随手拿起了哥哥楚道还未来得及藏进惊悚游戏里的一处私房钱,房产。楚小雨彻底傻眼了。“哥哥,你竟然是惊悚游戏里血月餐厅的拥有着!?”“哥哥,你竟然还在惊悚游戏里面有栋独立别墅?上千厉鬼在守护着这栋别墅?!”“哥哥,为什么我不管做什么任务,那些厉鬼都对我毕恭毕敬!?”“哥哥,你说实话,你在惊悚游戏里到底藏了多少私房钱!?”楚道:“……就那么亿点点吧?”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢我惊悚游戏的房产,被妹妹曝光了,别忘记分享给朋友我惊悚游戏的房产,被妹妹曝光了TXT下载1w0-76114 >>

Moonlight Mile

Gorou Saruwatari and Lostman are mountain climbers who have ascended some of the highest mountains around the world. At the peak of Mount Everest, they see the ISA Space Station in the sky above and become determined to go into space. At the same time, NASA begins a program to research and obtain a new energy source which has been discovered on the moon. Gorou and Lostman attempt to join the program through different approaches: Lostman becomes a pilot and Gorou takes a job as a construction worker.

Shakugan No Shana X Eternal Song - Harukanaru Uta

Based on the events of the tenth Shakugan no Shana novel.

Liar Game

Read Liar Game Manga At the start of manga, a scrupulously fair college student named Nao Kanzaki - receives a bundle including 100 million yen (about 1 million dollars) along with a note that she's now a contestant in the Liar Game Tournament. Contestants should cheat and lie to have other contestants' cash, using the losing ones compelled to endure a debt proportional with their losses. When Nao's first competition - a former teacher that is sure - steals her cash, she seeks help from a con man named Shinichi Akiyama. Though they manage to get the better of him, Nao and Akiyama determine to buy out his debt and progress through different rounds of the Liar Game Tournament against merciless contestants, while in the exact same time trying to free their competitors from debt also to get the better of the Liar Game organization from within.   These characteristics enable her to win the trust of fellow contestants in the Liar Game, although she's incredibly reliable and, initially, innocent. Nao is usually in a position to make deep insights regarding human nature and the Liar Game and slowly learns to challenge others while keeping her power to trust her allies, while becoming more mature and considerate with each round played. She continues to play wanting to save the other players that have fallen into debt although Nao has had several great opportunities to depart the Liar Game. The simply known family member of Nao is her dad, who's in the hospital with terminal cancer.   In Volume 1 because he was reminded by her fair character of his mom, he's only been released from prison and consents to help Nao in the Liar Game. For continuing in the Liar Game Akiyama's motivation will be to discover the actual reasons on the other side of the Liar Game Tournament   The former teacher and competition in Round 1, who had been initially a type guy of Nao concerned regarding the wellbeing of his pupils. Following a number of misfortunes, Fujisawa is now hateful, mad, and mistrustful. Nao is shocked when he told her if she goes into debt that he does not care or is driven to pay it back. The choice of Akiyama, yet, just solidifies to aid Nao. By the end of Round 1 when Akiyama outsmarts to that he is able to repay his debt Nao although Fujisawa gives her winnings to Fujisawa, Fujisawa is last seen bowing in gratitude to her.   A male to female transgendered man who first appears in Round 2, where she poses as a girl named Hitomi. Perhaps in-transition or post op MtF transsexual (in which case she shouldn't be called a transvestite, which differs from transgender), promises to be female in body along with thoughts, and exclusively male according to your birth certificate; still has breasts when not dressed in drag. Sly, computing, and a 5th degree black belt, Fukunaga is a skilled manipulator whose weaknesses may actually be her desire for her temper and cash. Alludes to being clearly older than she looks, age unknown. During Round 3, Fukunaga learns to work with Nao and Akiyama, as well as when Fukunaga completes the round debt-free, she decides to continue in the tournament to assist them. Nevertheless, Fukunaga is removed in the match with over one billion yen of debt and is made to face Yokoya without their help in the next resurrection round. In later chapters, Fukunaga understands begins and Nao's progress to get fond of her, although she still believes she's clumsy. Nao additionally noted that Fukunaga may have a crush on Akiyama. After Fukunaga's identified-as-male-at birth identity is disclosed, the Japanese text intentionally avoids referring to 'her' by sex. (In the live variant this character remains male, but with a vaguely gay overtone). She's totally convincing as a female when she often has everyone fooled and wants. Additionally stated to have managed to play a persuasive nondescript man to orchestrate a scam (not shown), despite having outstanding 'real' cleavage, said to be caused by a variety of female hormone shots and breast augmentation surgery with saline implants. Other manga: + The World God only knows manga + Akame ga Kill Manga


From Intercross: 'When I'm in the water, I'm not sure whether I'm crying or not.' Rio belongs to the swimming club and is an excellent swimmer. She has even been told by the club adviser to help out Yokoyama, a member who can't swim, because she's good at teaching others how to swim. She is also a close friend to Jun, another swimming club member. What will happen to these three?

Transfer Into NPC World

Transfer Into NPC World summary: In order to see the his beloved NPC smiled again , Shiki repeat the same quest and search for the blue flower petal until something unexpected happen.

John Leech, His Life and Work

John Leech, His Life and Work summary: John Leech, His Life and Work summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of John Leech, His Life and Work. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Empress Is Gigolo

The Empress Is Gigolo summary: Description
In a world where its inhabitants can destroy a city wall single-handedly, the empress has a kirin as her pet, and the imperial palace of Great Xia has a pool containing a dragon. There is also a Sword Mountain where spirit swords occasionally leave in search of a master .

Bootlicking the empress, Ren Baqian ascended to the apex of life.

Summer’s Desire

Summer’s Desire summary: Xia Mo and Luo Xi are orphans, both having met each other at their adoptive parents’ home. Because of the shadows remaining from their childhood, they are both shrouded in the midst of wariness. However, when Xia Mo and her brother meet an embarra.s.sing situation during a singing compet.i.tion, Luo Xi helps them out, and the iciness that separates both of them gradually melts. Seeing what has happened, as well as in an attempt to break both of them up, Ou Chen, who deeply loves Xia Mo and is the heir to the company that founded their school, sends Luo Xi to England to study…
Five years later, Luo Xi has become a superstar, with a countless number of fans to his name. Xia Mo having become an orphan once again as her adoptive parents died the year Luo Xi left, is a new artist of a records company and meets Luo Xi. Ou Chen on the other hand, having lost his memory of Xia Mo five years ago due to a car accident, also sees Xia Mo once again as well. With all three main characters back on the scene and their disputes of love and hate, what will happen between them then? Who will Xia Mo pick in the end?
– Sherbet Lemon

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