














新·古明地咖啡厅~大门依旧敞开~ ツキギ


















内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:都市:我,保安,完成任务就变强!】江天获得【全职业体验系统】,系统要求他分别体验保安、外卖员、滴滴司机、健身教练等各种职业,只要完成任务,就能获得丰富的奖励。 “叮!完成完美履职任务,奖励8000万兰博基尼毒药超跑一辆。”“叮!完成准时送达任务,奖励7个亿二环晋王府别墅一座。”“叮!完成安全无忧任务,奖励900亿金融街商业写字楼十栋。”各种职业,体验人生百态。女记者街头采访:“帅哥,请问如果你拥有一亿财富你会怎么办?”江天若有所思的回答:“删掉一半的微信好友。”众人鄙视江天:因为如果只剩这点钱,我已经不配和企鹅老板、阿离老板这些千亿富豪交朋友了。众人:“”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢都市:我,保安,完成任务就变强!,别忘记分享给朋友作者:神豪豪所写的《都市:我,保安,完成任务就变强!》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-96832 >>


内容简介:传闻名门之家华氏有个貌丑口吃的五小姐,爹不疼娘不爱,这还不算,偏偏家族为她指婚的对象还是个渣男,大婚当日,新郎逃婚和三线女明星滚床单弄的满城皆知。本该遭人嘲笑的她,婚宴上玉手一指,给自 己抓了个临时替补,完美逆袭。世人这才惊讶,原来五小姐不仅相貌倾城,而且妙语连珠,天资聪慧。隐匿多年,锋芒毕露,天才降世亮瞎世人眼。只是万万没想到,临时替补的新郎竟是个大麻烦。某人终于忍无可忍大骂:江流,你个王八蛋,说好了是形婚的?江总一脸无辜回道,“没错啊,我一直在身体力行。”1w0-2560 >>


内容简介:北方诸邦被雄才大略的君主统一,没有天人境修行者的南方大齐皇朝,却因为内部争权夺利而国势衰弱、万民离心。在修为冠绝天下的北方君主,准备南向用兵坐拥九州时,大齐第一氏族里的一名少年,睁开了 重生的双眼,想要逆势而行。1w0-2228 >>


内容简介:  出门一把刀,装备全靠爆!  网文写手白小文,被一颗神奇眼球带到了百年之后的灵能时代。  灵子渗透,变异兽肆虐,灵界怪物入侵,数据化的地球如同一个超大型游戏!  我来了,我看见,我征 服!  白小文睁开神眼吼出强者语,然而距离高考只有130天。  征服灵能时代,从成为高考状元开始。  ***  进化之眼全订群:603,765,346(进群请报起点昵称)  进化之眼普通群:165,675,218。  目前群刚创建,车位很多。欢迎兄弟们的加入!1w0-504 >>


内容简介:王晖很忧伤。他从小就发现自己的特质很特殊——任何和自己谈恋爱的女人,运气都越来越好,走向人生巅峰!绝美校花:“王晖,我最近运气好差啊,不如我们谈个恋爱吧?”美女总裁:“王晖,我的公司股 票大跌,所以我缺个男朋友,算了,我摊牌了,我要你!”国际影后:“王晖,我真不是为了电影票房,我就是单纯缺个老公,我觉得你很合适。”王晖:“对不起,你们都是好人,我真的不想谈恋爱。”【本书又名《我真不是国民男神》、《开局666个前女友》】各位书友要是觉得《都市之超级恋爱系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25889 >>


内容简介:文案“该死的!”华服男子扶着墙壁,大口大口的喘气,俊美的脸上透出不正常的潮红,绵软的躯体几乎站不稳,大滴大滴的汗水顺着脸颊滚落,浸湿鬓角的发丝。“唔……”男子咬紧嘴唇,依然阻止不住呻吟 泄露,贴身的里衣每一次摩擦肌肤都像受到酷刑一般,产生灼热又刺激的快感,尤其是胸前的两点肿胀的摩擦让他发1w0-62568 >>


内容简介:小兵提供鱼粉不放辣大神最新作品《修仙:我有一个梦境空间》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,修仙:我有一个梦境空间小说txt下载,修仙:我有一个梦境空间小说笔趣阁,修仙:我有一个梦境空间无弹窗! 本站最新最快更新修仙:我有一个梦境空间小说最新章节。1w0-87296 >>


内容简介:一个小小家丁,却牵扯着一个千古之秘。一桩离奇命案,把一个恋爱脑的多情大小姐和一个清冷傲娇的小俏婢送到了他的面前。她们,真的只是无辜涉入的人?西湖断桥,诡谲重重。情缘牵一线。真相,只在咫 尺之间。1w0-4402 >>


内容简介:人在监狱为了出狱研发机甲全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《人在监狱为了出狱研发机甲》周扬科技系统小说著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读人在监狱为了出 狱研发机甲全文内容。1w30175-66541 >>


内容简介:“小鬼,不好意思,你挂了!”“不是吧,牛头马面长这么帅?”“呸,老爷我是陆元君,牛头马面哪比得上。”“你是陆元君?,我还朱尔旦呢!”····················好吧,主角也 穿越了,只是···“有没搞错,海贼王?我是···火拳艾斯?”经久不衰的话题,永不停歇的热血,看主角活出一个新的海贼王传说。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生海贼之火拳降世》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67076 >>


内容简介:开局从倚天屠龙记开始。顺带一个系统和黑洞!穿越诸天万界。影视,动漫,小说……醒掌天下权,醉卧美人膝…顺带,收收几个弟子罢了!【冷血杀戮流,不喜欢的勿喷!】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《开 局就有系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-66668 >>


内容简介:我不想流氓,但我又不能不流氓。我因女人而要强悍,因强悍而要女人。陈天明,本来一个有点小小流氓的老师,但因为有一次被传奇中的宝物血黄蚁咬到了不应该咬的地方,身体发生了变化;而且天缘巧合地 修练了玄门中被誉为“男女双修之王”的香波功,面对书友分享最新章节:后记喜欢本书,请支持作者,点击页面右边的分享按钮,分享一下吧!提醒:读书三件事-收藏、推荐、分享!1w0-66218 >>

Viking No Hanayometachi

In the Viking Brides series: 1-Byakuya no Princess (The Reluctant Princess) Elli has no memories of her homeland or father, having been raised abroad by her mother with her sisters. When a mysterious man breaks into her house, she finds out that she’s royalty of the far-off land of Gullandria, and that her father is the king! With a reunion in the cards, will Gullandria prove to be all Elli hopes, or will she escape into the arms of the man who brought her there? 2-Gekka no Ayamachi (Prince and Future...Dad?) Princess Liv Thorson honestly believed she could skulk back to America, her uncharacteristic night of passion a secret known only to a sympathetic sister...and the Viking prince who possessed her underlisse. Then came the baby trifecta--woozy tummy, fainting spell, rash--telltale signs that she and Finn Danelaw had made a lot more than love.... Finn Danelaw was used to hearing all kinds of utterances from women, but 'no' wasn't usually among them. He had, however, a proposal for beautiful Princess Liv...and though he'd planned a seduction along with it, he'd learned a long time ago that all good things come to those who wait. For the test results, that is. The pregnancy test... 3-Shukumei no Deai (The Marriage Medallion) He’s going to be my husband? Princess Brit is forced to marry to preserve the royal bloodline, so she flees the palace and heads for the distant North Sea. But on the way there, her plane crashes, and she is thrown against the steep cliffs. She’s hurt and terrified! As if in answer to her pleas for help, a dark shadow appears. Is he the legendary black knight? No—it’s Eric Greyfell. He’s as beautiful as a hero from Norse myth, but his heart is as impenetrable as a stone statue. And he’s the man she was expected to marry! 4-Kamen no Prince (The Man Behind the Mask) Dulcie has arrived at a foreign palace to celebrate the wedding of her best friend, the princess of a small country. There, she meets Prince Valbrand, a man with a scar on his face. A hideous burn scar, marring the face of a beautiful man. What cruel fate must he have endured? On the night of the ball, spurred by curiosity, Dulcie dances with him and realizes that she has fallen in love.But as Dulcie grapples with her emotions, a tragedy awaits.

M Game

In the past, plump and rounded women were considered the pinnacle of female beauty. Now, society, and in turn women themselves, changed the ideal female figure. This story is about a young boy and his battle against society's stigma towards healthy women. He is the guardian of plump women around the world, and he will not stop until society realizes what is true female beauty. His name is Takehaya Susanono Mikoto and he is the 150th Guardian of the 'Muchi Muchi.'

Today In Class 5-2

Ryota plays it cool around all of his classmates, especially when it comes to girls. But he’s always the one on the spot in a perverted situation. In some of these many random anecdotes about the lives of fifth graders you'll find: peeping at collarbones, eating chalk, accidental skirt flipping, missing bloomers (you know, those girls' gym shorts things), and many others. Who says grade school can't have a high-school-type love story?

Kuchibiru Ni Uta Wo

Kuchibiru ni Uta wo summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kuchibiru ni Uta wo. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Eligible Bachelors: Wife For A Week

Eligible Bachelors: Wife For A Week summary: Eligible Bachelors: Wife For A Week summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Eligible Bachelors: Wife For A Week. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Wee Ones' Bible Stories

Wee Ones' Bible Stories summary: Wee Ones' Bible Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wee Ones' Bible Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Seven Plays in English Verse

The Seven Plays in English Verse summary: The Seven Plays in English Verse summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Seven Plays in English Verse. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ar tonelico – The Girl Who Continues to Sing at the End of the World

Ar tonelico – The Girl Who Continues to Sing at the End of the World summary: After the battle with Mir ended and the world was saved, Lyner and his friends were in the middle of a journey to gather the [feelings] they needed to craft a Song that would reach everyone in the world.
However, while the world should be peaceful again, various strange incidents have started happening.
Items produced through Grathmelding suddenly rose in price due to a shortage of materials, Tenba dismissed a large portion of their Reyvateil workforce, and this in turn caused these Reyvateils to begin falling into emotional instability one after other.
And finally, the Tenba troops have started a war with the Reyvateils at Skuwat Village, while a “mysterious ent.i.ty” that seems able to control the common subconscious of the Reyvateils seeks a confrontation with Lyner.
The first novelization of the popular PlayStation 2 RPG of the same name!

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