






类别搞笑 校园 生活












类别都市 恋爱 霸总














内容简介:  “老何,管管‘贾无敌’吧,又在疯狂带一个小鲜肉的节奏。”  “你二大爷的,我哪里是带节奏,我是弘扬正能量,提升凝聚力。”  “你一个人工智能,口吐芬芳把一群人怼的瑟瑟发抖,抱团取暖 ,能不提升凝聚力嘛..。”  何昱作为一个科学家,面对着一个会口吐芬芳的人工智能,本身就很苦恼,当这个人工智能当了娱乐圈纪检委的时候,他才发现,之前的都是小儿科。  书友群:5986456511w0-902 >>


内容简介:  秦愿不仅是个学渣,还是个惹事精,结交的都是不务正业的不良少年。   江书意是班长,集温柔阳光积极向上于一身的正面教材,拿奖拿到手软,身边围绕的也是学习优秀的团体,乃一班的骄傲。   每次秦愿被老师教育,指定有一句:你学学人家江书意!   秦愿:不学。   老师:?   秦愿:太装了,累。   有人问江书意:秦愿最近好像找你挺勤,是不是喜欢你?   江书意:没可能。我这辈子都不跟学渣玩!   ————   后来,他两成了同桌。   画风就逐渐变了,有人看见——   #班长偷偷给学渣塞习题集#   #班长给学渣补课#   #班长给学渣买了一袋棒棒糖#   #班长给学渣带饭#   #班长的红烧肉全给了学渣#   关于他两的谣言满天飞,江书意解释:别误会,我只是想拯救学渣,不拖班级后腿。   第二天。   听说秦愿去四班找顾子杭告白了!!!   刚踏进教室的江书意课本一丢,转身就走。   楼梯角落里,温柔班长逼近学渣秦愿:你不是说只喜欢我么?朝秦暮楚,秦愿你可以啊。   ————   *1V1小甜饼,温馨尽量不狗血!   *前期青春校园,毕业前不会真的谈恋爱,也不会搞暧昧!   *男女主一起进步,一起优秀,变得更好的成长逆袭文!1w0-2063 >>


内容简介:一睁眼李青云发现自己穿越来到了前世曾玩过的一款游戏《模拟官途》的世界里。在这乱世之中,貌似当贪官最有前途。可是一想起当初玩贪官路线的种种死法,他怂了。李青云:怕死的我,从今往后跟贪官势 不两立。1w0-69532 >>


内容简介:宋先生大型作死现场……记者问宋先生对于唐小姐说你们是天造地设的一对,你有什么看法?宋辞冷笑没看法,这缘分给你要不要?宋辞像你这种为了钱不择一切手段的女人,我就是打光棍也不会娶你。某女靠 墙一脸不屑,“姐很高贵,男人不配,你更不配。”唐施“宋先生,你配吗?”宋辞贱贱一笑“我太配了。”唐施“……这么和预料中的不一样,说好的打光棍也不会娶呢……唔,混蛋”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《宋先生的宠妻日常》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w65037-71704 >>




内容简介:本以为死亡是解脱,结果重生回到末世前三个月,三个月后她将再次经历一次地狱降临。而这次,她难道还要像上辈子那样被践踏至泥底?本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《末世空间女神》还不错的话请不要忘记 向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79628 >>






内容简介:  其实我是一个律师。  ――张·益达·爱情公寓唯一没有cp·斯内克·大炮·尔康·金甲战士·律政先锋·伟  群:905473207Ps:本书已完结,无大力,大力粉不要入坑了,会伤心的1 w0-3932 >>


内容简介:白寻音初中毕业那年无意间被应激创伤,成了不能开口说话的‘小哑巴’高中第一年,她一直是在周围人的冷嘲热讽和歧视欺凌中度过的直到高二的时候,白寻音遇到了喻落吟他清隽,优雅,剑眉星目,是校草 ,更是全校女生的梦想但于白寻音而言,喻落吟是第一个护着她,对她笑,给她讲题,跟她一起吃午饭的人少年时期的暧昧来的汹涌而朦胧,白寻音高二那年的日记本写满了‘喻落吟’三个字白寻音不奢求喻落吟喜欢她,只是没想到高三那年,会在走廊拐角处无意中看到他的‘真面目’喻落吟清隽优雅的表皮下是斯文败类,他对他那两个玩世不恭的狐朋狗友笑着说——“小哑巴开始喜欢我了,打赌到此为止,陪着她早就腻了。”白寻音不会说话,可眼睛会哭。自那以后,她没给过喻落吟一个正眼。直到喻大少爷冷嘲,热讽,摔桌子,道歉,甚至自残各种方式都还是没用之后,他不得不单膝跪在白寻音面前,眼眶通红声音嘶哑的求——“音音,原谅我一次,这辈子不敢了。”各位书友要是觉得《痛症》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29531 >>


内容简介:六年前,被父亲和堂姐陷害,顾惋惜怀上一个不明不白的孩子,还被迫和暗恋多年的陆行澜解除婚约,母亲也最终病死在医院。直到那时她才看清,原来所谓的父亲是豺狼,亲近的堂姐如蛇蝎。怀揣着复仇的执 念和一地伤心,她远赴异国。六年后,她携萌宝归来,誓要夺回属于自己的东西,豺狼环伺,她便打退豺狼;蛇蝎上门,她便斩杀蛇蝎。可唯有一人,她始终拿他没有办法。陆行澜本以为此生与他缘尽,可他偏偏却要再次来1w69472-69488 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者无火余灰的经典小说:《我在玄幻当老祖》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【飞卢小说网原创小说:我在玄幻当老祖】主角穿越成为异界大陆一名寿元将近的宗派 老祖,很老套,但很实用本书等级划分:淬体,炼气,凝元,筑基,金丹,魂海,结婴,洞玄,地尊,天君,化神飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-25345 >>

Sensei No Jijou

1) The Cause of my Teacher (Sensei no Jijou) A student who is fond of eye glasses tells his tender teacher of his feeling. The teacher kisses him but he is a little unsatisfied because the teacher takes the eye glasses off when they kiss 2) At the Guidance Room The hero, a strange student, loves a teacher, a blunder that students make light of. Bad students try to annoy the teacher by using a porn video but the teacher thinks the hero brought it 3) A Person, Held Captive The hero enters the company with his friend whom he has loved since his childhood. Knowing their supervisor aims at his friend, hero finally tie the friend up after an alcoholic party 4) The Reckelness of Youth (sequel to 'Shinobu Kokoro wa'). Hiiragi did not fully accept his orders, and acts separately from his chief, Asagi. He is thrown into jail 5) I'm Sorry, Young Master! The son of a lord, who feels his guard and martial arts teacher took a sexual joke too far, challenges him at his own peril 6) Child of the Palace in the Sea A scholar teacher of the Mountain palace country escorts back a spy boy of the Sea palace country (which dominates the Mountain palace country) who is bullied. The Cause of my Teacher (Sensei no Jijou) extra.

Lovey Dovey

From Covenant of Darkness: For 10 years Saika has done everything she can to get close to her love Keishi. She followed him to the same high school, joined the same committees, and even changed her outward personality to become the right match for Keishi. One day, looking for Keishi in the special section of the school, she runs into the school's trouble-maker Kirisaki Shin. As he begins to bully her, her true personality comes out: loud-mouthed and violent. To her dismay, Kirisaki decides that he likes that kind of girl. Lovey Dovey is the story of Saika's trials and tribulations in a love triangle at a school where 'Love is Prohibited.' Read this manga from right to left

Kono Tabi Wa

Kono Tabi wa summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kono Tabi wa. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Tenohira Size.

The Onishi family doesn't have a father anymore. They don't have much money. They don't even have a shower. Tenohira Size presents eight stories of a mother and her three children's day-to-day lives in the aftermath of divorce.

Community Civics and Rural Life

Community Civics and Rural Life summary: Community Civics and Rural Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Community Civics and Rural Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fated Consort

The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fated Consort summary: Crying blood and tears, she pledged a poisonous vow. The G.o.ds did not fail her. She was sent back to a decade ago. The legitimate daughter of Jiang family returned from h.e.l.l.
Forget it, whatever! Since they already claimed that she was a temptress that wrecked the country, she shall overturn the world into complete chaos starting with her beguiling sister, her malicious stepmother, her cruel lover and her heartless family. Let her end the lives that Yama refused to end.
She was a p.a.w.n in her past life. In this life, however, the world was her chess board. With an alluring smile and a charming figure that enchanted the entire nation, the red-clothed woman wrecked chaos among the lands. She was a vengeful spirit from h.e.l.l, determined to make those who wronged her pay in blood.
“I want those who owe me a life debt to hold their hearts out in front of me. I want those who looked down on me to only be able to admire me. I want Lord Zhong Zi to shiver when he sees me. I want to step on this splendid river and mountains!”
— — —
“You are a temptress and I am a thief.” His robe was as dark as the night and his gaze was as cold as the Northern Star. “A perfect match.”
Her red dress was akin to fire, but her heart was the coldest ice in the winter.
He was stoic in his black robe, yet he was willing to warm her frozen heart.
In this life, the elegant man seemed like a snowy bamboo grove with tall, chilly mountains, walking step by step towards her like an unstoppable force.
“Ruan Ruan, if you hate the world, then I shall conquer the lands with you.”
“What if I love the world?” She asked.
“I am the world, so you can only love me,” he answered.

Alex's Adventures In Numberland

Alex's Adventures In Numberland summary: Alex's Adventures In Numberland summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Alex's Adventures In Numberland. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

All's for the Best

All's for the Best summary: All's for the Best summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of All's for the Best. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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