


类别都市 恋爱


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霸道逆天大魔王×呆萌逗比脑洞少女の宿命般的禁忌爱恋!穿越洪荒宇宙,交织前世今生!东西方玄幻魔法交融~突破异次元种族壁垒!魔王与少女の不可思议爱情冒险!华丽罗曼史为您呈现!每周三更新哦~~爱你们(づ ̄3 ̄)づ~~






内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:谢邀!人在封神,已成金仙】穿越封神世界,在封神世界混迹千年,证道金仙后,接到了一个诸天的邀请。出于无聊,徐秋选择了【同意】。彦:“欢迎新人,在下是里的最高战力 ,美丽高贵的天使正是再下,了解一下。”冯宝宝:“新人好噻,我似全最穷,开局一把刀,工资全靠公司发的临时工。”凉宫春日:“1w0-96058 >>


内容简介:一个身份卑微的奴才,得到神奇功法,纵横万古、不死不灭!仙道、魔道、妖道、万族林立,惊才绝艳之辈辈出,百家争鸣,百花齐放。神通惊世,光华璀璨,弹指间毁天灭地。这是一个浩瀚无边的玄幻世界, 光怪陆离,充满了无穷尽的神秘。强者可遨游天地,震慑众生。1w0-84844 >>


内容简介:  来到陌生的轮回世界,面对谋财害命的典当行,洛风怒发冲冠,我是堂堂穿越者!怎么能让你们几个旧时代的渣渣欺负!什么,可能有枪?! 溜了,溜了。等我吐纳术十二层,后天大圆满,金刚不坏再来 复仇!什么?这个世界有异人,会先天异能,还能学习后天技能,太可怕了!溜了,溜了,等我吐纳术一百层再出世吧,打不过你,我还耗不过你?!什么?1937年,鬼子进了中原……溜……,溜个屁!老子的法相金身呢!五雷镇煞砖呢!如意金刚棍呢!统统老子拉上来!一人,魔童,狐妖,仙逆,遮天,帝霸,西游,诡秘,希灵,女娲……穿越诸天万界,无尽虚海,终成一代苟仙!【PS:沧海书轩:702199047。欢迎大家进来水群!】1w0-40 >>


内容简介:赵枫穿越十八路诸侯讨董的时候,恰逢此刻正是斩华雄的前几日,与此同时,系统激活,最强选择系统上线:“任务选择一:认贼作父,成为吕布的义弟,任务奖励:获得赵高、高俅传承。”“任务选择二:成 为孙坚义子,被孙权害死,任务奖励:程交金、薛仁贵传承。”“任务选择三:成为曹操的军师,深的曹操信任,任务奖励:刘伯温、韩信传承。”面对三个选择,赵枫果断选择成为曹操的军师,叮,恭喜宿主选择成功,现在开始发放奖励!曹操看着正在想计策的赵枫,陷入了沉思:“我的儿子什么时候这么有出息啊!”刘备:阿斗何用啊!孙坚:我儿无用啊!吕布:小儿,还我貂蝉!貂蝉:我的如意郎君,一定会坐着四轮车前来接我!p1w0-79997 >>




内容简介:如果电脑不能下载TXT,请登陆手机版()下载双重生【吊儿郎当嘤嘤攻×装傻充愣人妻受】重生前,严季希孤傲高冷,又蠢钝如猪,大学时期欺压同学,结婚时期欺压老婆。不懂得明争暗斗的他彻彻底底败 给了“傻白甜”弟弟严文存。直到严文存用枪指着他,被他伤害得五体投地的傻妻许淮替他挡下一枪倒在他怀里,严季希一生以悲剧告终……重生后,严季希看明一切,在老婆面前日常哭唧唧三连:老婆好凶,老婆不爱我,老婆要亲亲在弟弟面前:我会让你死得比我上一世更惨。最后,严季希只能感叹一句:世事无常啊,说好的人傻好骗呢?为什么被骗得最惨的是我……————————前后对话:重生前结婚第一天许淮:“严……少爷,吃饭了。”严季希(莫名不爽):“做的什么东西,难吃!”许淮:“……”重生后结婚第一天:严季希:“宝贝儿吃饭了。”许淮:“你不会是想毒死我吧?”严季希:“怎么会呢,我那么爱你,吃了饭我们去创造包子怎么样?”许淮:“你生啊?”严季希:“嘤嘤嘤,老婆凶我。”许淮:“……”(白眼)————————阅读指南双重生复仇向,双方不知道对方重生而来。有怀孕情节但是不生包子,番外有可能会有包子(三遍)封面还没找到好的底图,有点草率。1w0-83248 >>




内容简介:新文《因果·三生》求预收,文案在最下面哦本文文案一(全文已完结)何为安和贺年年的婚姻源自于一场阴谋,一场何为安的阴谋。他是出身于贫寒毫无背景的穷新科进士,深知自己若是想在盘根复杂的朝中 立稳脚步,就必须攀附于他人。而贺家就是那根他看中的高枝,贺家是京中的百年名门,清流世家,在朝根基深厚,于他是再好不过了。原本一开始他的目标并不是她的,谁知许是他的运气太好了,庶女竟然变成了嫡女。文案二随着何为安的步步升迁,直至成为内阁重臣后,京中关于他要休妻的传闻也愈发多了。众人都说不择手段的何为安,在微末时期求1w0-31678 >>


内容简介:叮!【您选择的是单人游戏模式,请确认。】【已确认,正在协调脑部神经连接,游戏剧本自动生成中…】【剧情难度:噩梦】【主线任务:请作为剧本反派!将其他玩家全部淘汰!】顾全:“…………”各位 书友要是觉得《超常玩家》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-107729 >>




内容简介:孙仲谋:“这是一个乱世,半点不由人,我想要一个温馨的家庭,自由自在一辈子,却偏偏背负着沉重的天下苍生!”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《三国之仲谋天下》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博 里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83218 >>


内容简介:★★★本书简介★★★《相负漫天星河坠落》(改编自《黄粱一梦再遇你》)小说是在全网上火热连载的现代言情小说,小说以汤鸢、阎北聿作为主角,作者是万贵妃。全章节主要讲述了:阎北聿和汤鸢曾是天 造地设的一对璧人,原本以为会举案齐眉、厮守终身,却不想换来的竟是小三登堂入室,而汤鸢更是被心爱的阎北聿误解憎恨,直到后来,情至陌路,她奄奄一息的倒在血泊之中时,才大彻大悟、一切皆为黄粱一梦、一切终是情深缘浅1w0-70544 >>

Shirogane No Ou

A lone mercenary traveling in a foreign land is forced to participate in a street brawl, fighting back-to-back with a gun-toting man wearing a pelt around his shoulders. When they emerge from the attack unscathed, the man orders him to become his bodyguard. Only then does the mercenary-turned-bodyguard learn a surprising fact - this spirited fighter is the King; and between near-daily assassination attempts and His Majesty's obvious disdain for him, his life at the palace is not an easy one. But eventually, the bodyguard begins to realize that there is a reason behind the King's arrogant demeanour - one which he becomes determined to find out. Still... how can he protect a man who doesn't want to be protected?

Morning Kiss

Morning Kiss Summary Correction by Backlash67: Morning Kiss (Ch 1): The Tachibana family, are a family of brothers that run a newspaper agency. Yasutaka is the oldest brother who’s about pleasure first and business second. With the parents not around anymore, the oldest bother Yasutaka is in charge of running the agency. Kei who is one of the younger brothers is the responsible one. He often runs into his rival from another newspaper agency, Taira. Despite them being rivals, Taira seems to have a deeper interest in Kei than meets the eye and it seems that Kei feels the same too. Can these two get pass their rivalry and start a loving relationship? Together in the Morning (Ch 2): The oldest son, Yasutaka is invited into the home of a young master, Tooru after he saves Tooru for a second time. Tooru’s feelings for Yasutaka starts to bloosom; however, Yasutaka doesn’t seem to have any romantic interest in Tooru at all. After a third rescue, Yasutaka decides that leaving Tooru alone isn’t a good idea. But with Tooru’s growing desire for Yasutaka becoming obvious will Yasutaka still be able to remain indifferent? (Takes place years before ch 1). Ch 3: This chapter focuses on the middle brother, Yukihiro and his internal conflict with his emotions in accepting the fact that both his older and younger brother are gay. While he wrestles with his feelings he meets and becomes an art model for Yomo-sensei. Are the feelings Yukihiro are struggling with only because of his denial to accept his brothers’ gay relationships or are they something more personal? Ch 4: Taichi Kusonoha is a student whose mom is away on a long business-trip leaving him and his dad alone. Taichi’s uncle, Kyouya Ooike, comes over very weekend to be the “housekeeper” for Taichi and his dad. Despite the obvious blood bonds, Taichi and Kyouya became lovers. Throw into the mix, Tachi’s dad, Shougo who used to have a sexual relationship with Kyouya and is still vying for Kyouya’s affections against Taichi and you have one dysfunctional family! [Side Story] Ch 5: Atsumu and Kayama Kazuha are friends and both students preparing to go to university. Kayama tutors Atsumu while also constantly flirting and trying to woo Atsumu. Atsumu always brushes off Kayama advances and tries to deny his desire to also be with Kayama. Will Kayama continue to pursue the defiant Atsumu or give up on him? Or will Atsumu finally cast aside his worries and finally submit to Kayama? [Side Story]

Square Na Kankei

Based on the boys love game 'The Psychology of Love', Yuuto gets his first male lover, Ryuuji. However, he wonders if the relationship is strong and whether or not he's being toyed with.

Tulip No Hoshi

Shingo is engaged and his fiance want to meet his parents, but Shingo is reluctant because of a family secret. His mother is in reality his father, he had a sex-change surgery and later married a man, that now is Shingo stepfather. Also Shingo parents own a transvestite bar, his mother being one of the star, the other being all transvestites, one of then having a love interest in Shingo, that is trying to hide that part of his life to his fiance and office coworkers. Shingo also have other secret, he have phimosis, and need to have a circumcision to correct the problem before to marry his fiance. Knowing of this problem one of the transvestites recommend him a doctor that do works for them, and is very discrete. When he goes to the surgeon, the transvestites disguise him as a woman, so he can leave the bar being unnoticed and go to the clinic for the circumcision. The doctor screws it up and thinks Shingo have asked for a sex-change. Seems circumcision is an euphemism for sex-change in the transvestite slag. The surgery is irreversible and Shingo have to start a new life as a woman, working as a OL, and having a lesbian relationship with his fiance.

The Governors

The Governors summary: The Governors summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Governors. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Slow Burn

Slow Burn summary: Slow Burn summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Slow Burn. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Moto Sekai Ichi I No Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki

Moto Sekai Ichi I No Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki summary: He never performed satisfactorily in either middle nor high school, even after becoming an adult, he never worked. Be it morning, noon or night, he only played an online game. For him, being the world’s numer one rank, playing that online game, was his very life. One day, his account was hacked and his character deleted. Restoration was impossible. There was nothing that could be done. The number 1 rank that he literally used his life to attain and defend was now lost. Filled with despair, he turned to suicide. When his eyes opened again, there was the online game. No, the world itself looked similar to the game. He had been reborn as the extra character of the premium avatar he created in the past, but had been left untouched. The former world’s top, was reborn in a world that looked like that online game. That was the beginning of his extraordinary legend. A ponkotsu, a cat, a dark elf, and so on. Together with several unique companions, his training to regain his “world’s first rank” now begins.

Autobiography of Countess Tolstoy

Autobiography of Countess Tolstoy summary: Autobiography of Countess Tolstoy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Autobiography of Countess Tolstoy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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