
































内容简介:肖舒快穿任务,在不同世界扮演小三,和渣男zuoai,收集jingye,走剧情和nue女主,让女主重生黑化。勾引闺蜜男友姐姐助六皇子夺得皇位,妹妹勾引六皇子zuo皇贵妃嫉妒真千金的假千金 勾引哥哥,挑拨豪门兄妹情1w0-96421 >>


内容简介:简介:【纯爱双男主甜虐双强】作为一名从小与太子殿下一同长大的铁哥们儿,周星澜从未觉得总跟着对方有什么问题。直至上京城有关太子殿下的各类传言忽然肆虐,周星澜才终于开始反思是不是有哪里不太 对劲。他一边躲着风华无双的太子殿下,一边又矛盾地想让太子殿下重新注意到自己,可惜他不知道的是,这份被他小心翼翼不知如何安放的感情,早就被囊括在了某位太子殿下的规划之中,原来竹马太子比他想象之中的——更早以前就盯上了他1w0-125422 >>


内容简介:凌天凡,一场逆天改命的布局,让他重生回到十六岁,身陷绯色陷阱的关键时刻。 美色有毒,功高盖主,莫须之罪,惨祸在即。 且看他,如何逆天改命,势不要悲剧重演。 天无情,斩之!地无情,灭之! 神无情,屠之!圣无情,杀之!道无情,碎之! 剑道凌天,再临寰宇!1w0-2315 >>


内容简介:传闻,霍少的未婚妻是乡下长大的,长得很丑,没有学问,跟个草包一样。宴会上,舒情露面,众人纷纷都惊了!“这哪里丑了!”“据说影帝是她小弟!”“她爹是世界第一首富!”“神秘的loe服装设计 师就是她!”一个个马甲掉光,众人都惊呆了,不过那又怎样,霍云城又不喜欢她。当天,霍氏集团官方发了条微博。“感情很好,即将准备结婚。”众人:“”!!!1w5556-25521 >>


内容简介:刚和我交往的毛妹居然只想把我甩了!青梅竹马的小姐姐为何把我按在床上?端庄的童年白月光深夜把我踩在脚底!重生女友居然强迫我和别人卿卿我我?……被少女们提刀包围的沈陌尘瑟瑟发抖:“作者,为 什么我遇到的都是坏女人啊!”“这么多美少女喜欢你,你到底还有什么不满的啊!”用自己的双手把主角送上人生巅峰,身边却一个妹子都没有的作者嫉妒地怒摔键盘(看到读者老爷们扬起的小鞭子,又把键盘捡了回来)本书又名《她们似群星闪耀》比起《七等分的未来》还像童话的恋爱日常!1w0-101091 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:重生:除了钱,我一无所有!】苏灿这个倒霉蛋重生到了2010年,携带着系统奖励的100亿RMB!截胡即将上线的“微聊!”聘请站在月亮下的那个男人做自己的员工。做 拼夕夕背后的大老板……打造出一个堪称365无死角的商业帝国!成为福布斯财富排行榜上各行大佬们都只能够仰望的存在。《时代》——“苏灿,这是一个贡献了全球50GDP的年轻人。”……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-72097 >>


内容简介:叶辰是所有人都瞧不起的上门女婿,但没有人知道他的真实身份却是顶尖家族的大少爷,那些瞧不起他的人,终究要跪在他的面前,诚惶诚恐的叫他一声爷!各位书友要是觉得《璀璨人生叶辰》还不错的话请不 要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w3463-26623 >>


内容简介:最新爆火的一本小说叫做《惊世王妃》,又名《嫡女风华:惊世王妃狠且撩》,由人气大神庭前酒实力所写,主角是柳蛰、江独楼,故事梗概:前世,柳蛰为了挚爱之人倾覆所有,甚至不惜一切为那人登上帝王 之位,可她却没想到,当挚爱的人手握天下之时,她却家破人亡,含恨惨死。一朝重生,柳蛰成为了柳家的三千金,这一世,她发誓,定会要渣男毒女血债血偿!这一世,她只想一心复仇,可谁知她偏偏遇见了宠她无度爱她入骨的江独楼……1w63800-73579 >>


内容简介:那一天,是整个世界湮灭的开端。那场灾难席卷了整个人类,不管你原来是高官,还是巨富,名流、精英、或者军人、警察、公务员,或者民工、蚁族,这些都不重要了。重要的是,即使你侥幸活下来,也不代 表你能活下…1w0-83845 >>


内容简介:杨涵一觉醒来发现穿越到了漫威世界,居然还变成了毒液,发现还是毒液的强化版,能够吸收任何超能力者的基因,成为自己的力量,和人类共生,就能够赋予人类超人般的力量。娜塔莎“你都已经进入过我的 身体了,可不1w0-27569 >>


内容简介:【【云起书院“我们的2020”创意征文大赛】参赛作品】许以龄被烧死之后,才知道自己是豪门穿书文里的恶毒女配。她同父异母的妹妹在小说里面美丽善良,男主爱她,男配们爱她,而且还拥有超强金手 指。而她又蠢又恶,抱着恶人剧本,各种陷害各种作,终于作死了妈妈,作死了哥哥。重生以后,面对再次走进许家的女主,她要保护妈妈,保护哥哥们,她还要抢到女主的金手指……不过,这男主哥哥怎么回事?身残志坚的霸总怎么回事?终极反派boss怎么回事?~~~~这是穿书文团宠女配重生之后,狂掉马甲的故事!【!!!《偶像时代》训练生许以龄半夜敲顶流的门。】许以琢:滚,那是我妹,是我敲的门!【!!!神级账号被抢,菜鸟许以龄欲电竞出道。】怒风:滚,那是我妹,是我给的号!【!!!许以龄下套,成为今尚集团第一股东。】各位书友要是觉得《穿书文里的团宠女配重生了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25858 >>


内容简介:“六年前那个晚上,是你指使人掳了我对不对。”男人怒目而视,语气冰冷如斯。“证据呢?”女子娇俏戏谑,毫不畏惧。他长手一捞,便把近处的小痞帅给拎到了跟前:“他,不就是最好的证据吗?”女子挑 了挑眉,肆意的狡黠在眼底盘旋不去:“儿子,你觉得他能有你这么帅的宝宝?”小家伙嫌弃的翻了个白眼,一脸的傲娇:“这位大叔,你真的没有那么强大的基因。”他瞬间的黑脸,二话不说的将女子直接壁咚到了墙上,目光挑衅的睨视着两人:“很好,我很快就会向你们证明我有没有那么强大的基因。”1w0-3992 >>

Princess Recipe

Satoru Takamiya's 'First Love Masterpiece' collection consists of five stories. [Taken from ShoujoMagic]: 1) Princess Recipe (Ohime-sama no Reshipi) - Makoto lives alone until two strange boys from the world of games appear before her! One is a knight, and the other is a wizard. And just like in the game, Makoto becomes the 'princess'! In order to save Princess Makoto from the wicked wizard, the cool knight Nanase begins living with her!? 2) Angel Falling (Tenshi Tsuiraku) - This is a secret: Heaven is a company, and angels are its employees! Hashiba is just a beginning angel in the death department, so she spends most of her time on earth. She's very excited when she receives her first assignment--until it turns out that the soul she's supposed to take to heaven is that of Toujou-kun, a human boy who's always been nice to her. She doesn't want him to die... Is this the beginning of an angel falling? 3) The Light of the Moon, the Shimmer of Love (Tsuki no Hikari, Koi no Kagayaki) - A tremendous force pulls moon fairy Kouya down to earth, but when she finds the boy responsible, he claims he did nothing to draw her to him and tells her to go home. But Kouya is literally stuck to Takimoto Sui and can't go home as long as he has a wish to see something and it remains not granted. What is the wish that lonely Sui is keeping locked inside, that was so powerful it reached as far as the moon? 4) A Program that Loves (Koi Suru Puroguramu) - Year 2487, Kirika is 16 years old, and it's high time she got married. Not exactly enamored with the idea, she runs away from her wealthy home, only to land herself in bigger trouble with a group of hoodlums! And the only one who can save her is...walking away!? Konoe is a mercenary with a sci-fi secret who'll only help Kirika for money! (So it's a good thing Kirika has some.) She purchases him for three days, but when Konoe goes above and beyond the call of duty, Kirika gets in the mood to...*cough*...install his hardware in her system! 5) A Love Fragrant with Kisses (Kisu de Kaoru Koi) - Hikari wants to know all there is to know about kissing, and she wants her teacher to teach her! She has a million different wishes, so it's a lucky thing that she stumbles upon a magic lamp! But what's wrong with the genie Izumi? He's so unenthusiastic, and kind of a jerk. He tricks her out of her wishes until she's down to just one. What will it be...?


When he was younger, Kujou Kiyosumi was incredibly awkward and nerdy. One day in elementary school, he courageously confessed his love to a girl, but she told him in front of the whole classroom that he was 'disgusting' to be around. Shocked, Kiyosumi asked the coolest guy in the class, Sagiya Maki, to help him become more likable, too. Thus, began the days of training and now in high school, he had finally achieved most popular status alongside Maki. Everything seemed to be going along smoothly until...


Gangryong is a high schooler; unlike others, he has always had a dream of being the strongest. One day he meets Youcheon, who teaches him a powerful skill. One year later, people come to see him and announce that his 'master' is dead. Because he was his only student, Gangryong has to follow them and go to a school where everybody has supernatural powers. This series is read from left to right as it is a Korean Manhwa.

The World’S Best Escort Bureau

The World's Best Escort Bureau manhwa , One day the strongest person in the world disappeared. An old man who was suffering from dementia and couldn't remember himself appeared in front of the village boy So Woon. So-Woon takes care of him carefully and later the old man teaches him martial arts. One day he finds that the old man whom he was taking care of and who taught him martial arts disappeared. So-Woon knew that the old man must have come to his senses and left him without saying anything. Six years later So-Woon becomes the symbol of Pungcheon. Together with his friends So-Guk-Ju and Pyo-Guk he started a long journey to become The World's Best Escort and to find his master and.

I Am A Witch Requested By My Crush To Make Love Potion

I Am A Witch Requested By My Crush To Make Love Potion summary: One day, the ‘Good Witch of the Lake’ was asked by her crush to make a love potion, and thus, was heartbroken. If this is the first and the last, then let me be together with him for at least a little bit longer. To at least extend the time, she began ordering as many of her staple food as she could–a lettuce. For somewhat unknown reason, the Knight began to eat as well. Starring a Hikikomori witch with lettuce as her nutrients source, and the serious yet also arrogant Knight–a romantic tale that started from a Love Potion.

Up In The Air: In Flight

Up In The Air: In Flight summary: Up In The Air: In Flight summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Up In The Air: In Flight. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Mysteries Of Paris

The Mysteries Of Paris summary: The Mysteries Of Paris summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Mysteries Of Paris. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Angel_ A Maximum Ride Novel

Angel_ A Maximum Ride Novel summary: Angel_ A Maximum Ride Novel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Angel_ A Maximum Ride Novel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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