








简介我没有罪!!绝不轻言放弃!! 只要活着,一切都还有希望! 陨石撞击近未来都市〝东京〞当年,才3岁的栗田陆成了孤儿,贫穷却坚强活着的他在贫民窟里自立自强地熬过10个年头。然而某天,待他如家人的警察大叔惨遭杀害,原本是目击证人的他反被诬陷成杀人凶手,最后甚至被送进了难以脱身的最边境终极监狱里!即即使身处险境,13岁的少年小陆仍旧怀抱希望,努力锻链自己,期待能揪出真正的凶手并逃离监狱。不过,真正的考验才正要开始……最凶监狱逃狱记!!震撼的第1集登场! 本书特色 这是个绝不轻言放弃的男孩子的故事。描述主人翁栗田陆为人陷害,被罗织入罪,进了黑牢。在那里什么凶神恶煞都有,但他仍有梦想与不屈不挠的毅力,希望能逃狱成功,就为了要找出真凶!是一本让人看了热血激昂的监狱奋斗记


类别科幻 热血 玄幻






简介落魄吃鸡大神吴铭重回VR游戏《天梯战地》残酷赛场,这一次他不仅想洗去“代打”污名,还要重登神坛——什么?!在游戏里挂掉,现实身体也会嗝屁! 【每周三/周六更新】


简介腐女也有春天!千南集团实习生尹路最近又迷上一对男男CP——同公司的总经理和副总经理!两个惊天大帅哥本来就是值得腐女YY的对象嘛!欸?什么鬼?为什么本来就应该在一起的家伙怎么都来和她告白啊? “住,住口!我才不要成为你们之间的第三者!(每周二更新)














内容简介:她是前朝的遗腹公主。她的父皇昏庸无道,强抢已为人妇的生母入宫。不想前朝覆灭,皇族男性全部处死。生母趁乱逃出皇宫后,发现身怀有孕,产下稚子,抛弃深山。本该命绝深山,不想偶遇生产母狼,母狼 母性大发,带回洞中。朝摇仙山,远近闻名,朝摇大师兄清尘途径此地,听闻传闻,心下好奇,自身闯入深山寻找‘怪物’,不想传闻中的怪物是个弃婴,清尘心生怜悯,带回怪物回到朝摇悉心教养。天意弄人,朝夕相处,暗生情愫。岂料仙1w0-45743 >>


内容简介:“宝友,你这刀不对劲,千万别舔啊!”“前朝太监用来去势的东西,看这样子,起码是万人斩了!”“哎……别吐在店里啊!”“宝友,你这招魂铃也不对劲啊,看你这印堂发黑,是不是最近老出事啊?”“ 便宜的处理法子啊?”“回去备上一个骨灰盒就好了,说不定就不用处理了。”……宁帆穿越成古玩世家传人,身怀摸金诅咒,又激活神级鉴宝系统,本想安安稳稳稳捡漏挣钱。可没想到在不对劲直播鉴宝的路上越走越远。1w0-33808 >>


内容简介:《重生嫁给前夫他爹古代》简介:瑶瑶恍然,“原来如此,怪不得人这么多(穿成前任叔叔的掌心娇)。”“对呀,每年都如此。”元悠在一旁着,踮起脚朝前面张望,然而目光所及,全都是人头,不由叹气, “早知道我们昨就应该来的,可以在镇上住一晚,今再来逛庙会(穿成前任叔叔的掌心娇)。”言语之间,很是扼腕。哽噺繓赽奇奇小説蛧1w3698-83743 >>




内容简介:这个世界每个人都有机会觉醒出自己的召唤宝典,并且觉醒出自己的本命召唤兽。召唤兽的种族值决定了召唤兽的强弱苏铭觉醒出召唤宝典,看向自己觉醒的召唤兽。却惊奇的发现,自己居然看见了晋升自己召 唤兽种族值的方法。这就意味着…PS:读者群953323637,日常聊天,玩梗。各位书友要是觉得《超神召唤师:我能看到进化路线》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w23357-69597 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:破案:我的老师是季洁】秦风穿越到重案六组世界,激活神探系统。开局获得高级犯罪心理学。入组第一天就破了一起连环杀人案,一下成了组里的香饽饽。一起起案子,在他面前 都无处遁形,一颗警界新星冉冉升起。……然而,很快秦风就发现,这个世界,似乎不只有重案六组。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-96182 >>




内容简介:【《化血真经》觉醒低级灵智。】【《化血真经》解锁个性:将进酒。】【《龙象般若经》与《因果转业诀》志趣相投,解锁羁绊:净化。】【《百八烦恼拜》解锁个性:求败。】【《无间印法》解锁高级形态 :小黑屋。】【《玲珑心机》被关进小黑屋,反省出个性:奕道。】我有一镜。左书‘通灵’。右书‘解语’。中间写着通天大道!1w0-82435 >>


内容简介:突然拐弯的人生是华实所著的小说,突然拐弯的人生全文阅读小说全文情节引人入胜,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的小说,玄界小说网免费提供突然拐弯的人生全文阅读,小说章节清爽干净的全文字在线阅读。1w 0-84232 >>


内容简介:为了活下去,季灵绑定了一个执念系统,完成委托人的任务就能继续活着。然而季灵怎么也没有想到,任务里永远有一个变态大佬在等着她!宠妹狂魔:“小乖乖,你到底什么时候才能长大?”灭世教授:“你 不在,这世界要来有何意义?全部毁掉!”星球司令:“这三千星系,你若想要,我全部打下来给你。”魔道至尊:“佛?你若为佛,我渡你入魔!”季灵表示,打不过骗不过,还不能逃吗?!然而,变态大佬摸着她的头,笑眯眯道:“小可爱,你要乖,不要逃哦,不然整个世界都会为你陪葬。”季灵闻言只想倒地不起,“大佬!求放过!!”1w0-95371 >>





Edo Karuta

A collection of historic short stories, each associated with a karuta card. The stories revolve around the red-light district of Yoshiwara, in Edo. 1) Kimori Okuma is a good-natured, sweet girl, but she is unable to find a husband due to her weight. One day, a samurai defends her from being publicly mocked. Is this samurai her chance to find happiness? 2) Kanrobai After her father ritually commits suicide, Asagi finds herself in much reduced circumstances. Some of the girls who work with Asagi bully her, and the high-class airs she puts on don't help the situation. All she wants is a way to get back to the lifestyle to which she was accustomed, but all she has is mistreatment and the company of a strange man trapped under a barrel... 3) Maigoishi Tama is a lost child, and she's taken in temporarily by a family who already has a son, Shirou. Tama can't wait to find her beloved father again. However, finding the place where she belongs may not be so simple for little Tama. 4) Akaishinyo Seiichi is the only one left to protect his princess, Miya. He wants what's best for her, regardless of their feelings for one another. But can he really tell what that might be?

Caramel Espresso

The hero in this manga has a split personality and each personality has it's own lover! Aki is right-hander and seme (but he denies his homosexuality), Ao is left-hander and uke (acts bad guy and reduces Aki's too much stress). One personality is afraid the other one will take over and destroy it. In the end, which will win? Ao feels he will be deleted by Aki and asks Sayuu to help him...

Jikuu Ihoujin Kyoko

Kyoko Suomi is the princess of Earth in the 30th century. Kyoko goes to school among the commoners, unwilling to reveal her true identity and ascend the throne. The king will allow Kyoko to live as she pleases if she can revive her twin sister Ui, who has been trapped in time since birth.

Marine Blue No Kaze Ni Dakarete

A summer love... Forced to choose between love and friendship... The boy of her dreams leaves for the U.S.... Tachibana works in a beachside cafe and roams the beach sands with her dog, Dolphin. Then her friend Ippei loses a surfing challenge to a newcomer. With a shock Tachibana recognizes Arikawa, her first love--her first heartbreak. After four years he's back from the U.S. and he thinks Tachibana doesn't like him. But before they get a chance to talk Ippei challenges Arikawa to another surfing match--in the face of an on-coming hurricane!

The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth

The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth summary: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Cry of the Phoenix Which Reached the Ninth Heaven

The Cry of the Phoenix Which Reached the Ninth Heaven summary: {translated from source}
For the two-faced Emperor she gave her everything, yet she ended up with the fate of being gotten rid of once her usefulness ended and even lost her son’s life. Reborn as a human, she appears to be a fool, but meeting a G.o.d she’ll kill a G.o.d, meeting Buddha she’ll kill Buddha, pretending to be a pig in order to eat the tiger! She got rid of the malicious legitimate mother, slaughtered the snake-like legitimate elder sister, scared silly the heartless father, and angered the two-faced Emperor to death. Finally she can leave free and unfettered, but behind her followed a bunch of lovestruck pretty boys. So many tails, how to shake them off!
{from rosyfantasy}
Yao Mo Xin, the empress of Da Chu died in a cruel way a day after she gave birth at the hands of her husband the emperor, Ye Hong Yi, and her legitimate second sister, Yao Shu Ran. Ye Hong Yi got the throne because of the smartness of Yao Mo Xin, but he hated her because she made him feel like a useless person who needed a woman to become the emperor.
Her soul got in the body of her illegitimate third sister from the same mother Yao Mo Wan. Yao Mo Wan has the mentality of a child because the legitimate wife of her father fed poison to her mother while she was carrying Yao Mo Wan. Yao Mo Xin wants revenge for everything that happened to her, so she seduced the emperor and began her plan of taking everything away from him. She did that while pretending to still have the mentality of a child. She also wants to repay Ye Jun Qing back for everything he did for her while she was Yao Mo Xin. In the process of revenge, she met many people who will fall in love with her wit and intelligence.

The Mental Life Of Monkeys And Apes

The Mental Life Of Monkeys And Apes summary: The Mental Life Of Monkeys And Apes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Mental Life Of Monkeys And Apes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

James Bond - The Hildebrand Rarity

James Bond - The Hildebrand Rarity summary: James Bond - The Hildebrand Rarity summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of James Bond - The Hildebrand Rarity. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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