
































内容简介:魂穿大唐,一梦千年,沧海桑田,世事沉浮。贞观初年,天下初定,李靖北击突厥,太宗横推敌手,兵锋所指,所向披靡,重整河山。百姓安居,商业繁华,国力日增,盛世之兆,中国历史上,最壮丽,最磅礴 ,最震撼的时代来临了。就在此时,秦岭一处断崖下,一个粗布少年,睁开了锐利的双眼这是一个小兵成长的故事,这是一个开疆拓土的故事,这是一个抱得美人归的故事1w0-71391 >>


内容简介:被看光,被威胁,被亲密接触,被……夏晚怎么也没想到,自己会和青城传说中各种成谜的禁欲男神霍清随扯上关系,更没想到他们的关系竟会是……我对你这样的未成年不感兴趣。哦,正好,我对你这种一把 年纪的老男人也不感兴趣!唔……你干嘛!做点夫妻该做的事。霍清随对夏晚从来只怀揣一个目的:宠她,宠一辈子。微信公众号:陌上迟归,欢迎来撩来勾搭1w0-108777 >>


内容简介:前世的苏鱼,错认仇人,运筹帷幄三年,将伪君子送上帝位,落了个惨死的下场,偏苍天有眼,一朝重生,苏鱼想啊,她势必要把那肮脏的侯府搅出个天翻地覆来,什么白莲花黑莲花,管你披的什么皮,照扒不 误,阴谋阳谋,见招拆招!可不管前世还是今生,都有一个景长风默默的在帮着她,还一边暗戳戳的隐晦的调戏她,苏鱼避无可避,忍无可忍,磨牙嚯嚯,正想要和景长风大干一架时,一道圣旨从天而降,他们被绑在了一块。景长风一笑,“娘子,为夫已经是你的人了,自己人是不能打的。”苏鱼也笑,撸起袖子,“这不是还有个家暴的词儿吗?夫君你说是不是?嗯?”1w0-61728 >>


内容简介:沈宸穿到一本古耽权谋文里,成了霸气总攻自封皇帝大大,坐拥后宫三千佳丽。虽然是个炮灰,但好歹也位高权重,还有后宫三千佳丽,简直不要太爽。如果他没有刚穿越,就从疯批主角美人受的床上醒来的话 。原主是1w0-74022 >>


内容简介:被人丢弃于深山雪村中差点葬身狼口,却驯服狼群,以狼为伴,掌握一手神医术在雪山过得悠然自得。却不曾想好心救下陌生的男人竟然是赫赫有名的斐家大少爷,还被胁迫去他家帮他治病!?还要嫁给这个病 怏怏又傲娇的大少爷?!这下好了,卖艺又卖身。还好上天厚待,重遇了当初抛弃她的所谓“家人”们,终于有了伸张拳脚的机会。待她把所有的坏人都治理得服服帖帖窃窃自喜的时候,却忘了还有一位傲娇的斐大少爷。斐大少爷一边坏笑一边向前道:“宝贝,你真厉害,我病好了,可以开始了。”慕安晴装傻:“开始?开始啥?”【展开】【收起】1w0-73979 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,乐初重生到了与自己同名同姓的乐家三小姐身上。上一世,高考状元乐初在拿到录取通知书的那一刻兴奋猝死。这一世,她再也不想当状元啦!就让她混吃混喝白混一世——嗯?是谁在当阻挠她实现 梦想的绊脚石?1w0-97595 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:港片:我,独断阴阳!】这个港片融合的世界里。表面上看起来,好像是平平无奇的六七十年代港省。可暗地里。有警界枭雄,夺权上位。有江湖大佬,嗜血街头。有武林高手,一 争高下。有术法强者,谋财害命。有厉鬼僵尸,逆乱四方。而我,林风,只是九龙城寨中,一个平平无奇的阴阳先生。平平无奇的,独断阴阳罢了。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢港片:我,独断阴阳!,别忘记分享给朋友港片:我,独断阴阳!TXT下载1w0-97159 >>


内容简介:游戏红尘的白领浪子王国华重生了,一个重来的机会摆在面前时,王国华选择了另外一条发展道路。由此,一段关于官场沉浮的故事开始了。《扶摇》vip500人大群群:118736849(进群要求全 订阅)《扶摇》普通交流群:149455952(喜欢扶摇即可进)本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《扶摇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-3137 >>


内容简介:【1V1团宠玄幻】七大豪门世家捧在手掌心里的小公主。也是继300年后唯一一个拥有最神秘力量的女孩。世人皆知柯家有一小公主。是捧在手心怕摔了,含在嘴里怕化了恨不得建一个温室,把人给保护起 来。小公举又奶又萌,还会甜甜的叫哥哥,惹得所有人都在竞相争宠。自此之后,上流社会就流传着一句话“得罪谁都不能得罪柯家小公主,不然就会死的很惨”ps:团宠日常甜甜甜。各位书友要是觉得《这个团宠又奶又萌》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72889 >>


内容简介:记忆中的往事作文600字叙事作文在我的记忆中,有许多往事如同沙滩的脚印,当海浪卷来的时候,便消失无踪,而有的就如海底的珊瑚,永远鲜亮。其中,有一丛珊瑚最亮,那就是江边的那件事那天的下午 ,我扛着画板来到目的地,坐在那儿,摆放好画板,拿笔作起画起来。这时,远处传来一声叫卖声,我仔细一看,原来是个卖花的小男孩,只见他手上拿着十几朵花,张1w0-81435 >>


内容简介:《锦绣农女种田忙》是巅峰小雨精心创作的都市言情,ABC小说网实时更新锦绣农女种田忙最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的锦绣农女种田忙评论,并不代表ABC小说网赞同或者支持锦绣农女种 田忙读者的观点。各位书友要是觉得《锦绣农女种田忙》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w5549-27862 >>


内容简介:本该是金枝玉叶的司空嫣,却成为了暗杀首领。本该是一族圣女的夜梓晚,却成为了其他家族不受宠的养女。北辰夜,将快要坠入深渊的司空嫣拉了回来,于是,司空嫣许诺以天下为报!慕容寒微,冷血无情, 但却将所有的温柔都给了夜梓晚,于是,夜梓晚以命相报!天下为报,是我已有心仪之人,无法以身相许……以命相报,是我要你好好活着,心中不再本书关键词:现代言情《许你锦绣江山为报》小说推荐:一枝、顽石、金主上位记、刺青、姐姐领进门:掌权、朱门贤妻、荒野之春、我、我是你的、温柔豢养、未来兽世当萌宠、穿书后我成了首辅的心尖宠、绝世驭灵师、楚氏昭华、无地自容、胥哥小面、六十度角、绯闻太多是我的错吗、典型意外(ABO)、指父为兄、穿越学霸福气满满、明知故犯、十年对手,一朝占有、争香、音乐家们的手指、毒妃狠倾城、陛下,你这样很容易失去我、晚熟、攻成伪受快穿、嫁给屠夫夫君(重生)、嫁给校霸的病态养父1w0-96589 >>

Sweet Poison On Our Lips

Jin and Yuu are pop singers in the duo CROSS. They've always been friends, but lately things have become different. Yuu is determined to seduce Jin so they can always be together, but he's an idiot, so it's not going well. But whenever Yuu starts acting like over eager puppy, Jin can't seem to resist him. ***Prequel to Netemo Sametemo ***

Double Arts

A boy and a girl are forced to join hands for all eternity!? In a land ravaged by an epidemic known as 'Troy', the only people with healing arts capable of stopping the seizures caused by the disease are the Sisters. Although they have a high resistance to the disease, they are searching for a person who is truly immune, if they exist, so that they can find a cure. The main character is Sister Elraine, one of the Sisters who becomes infected with Troy. But, when she touches Kiri, a seemingly ordinary boy, her seizures stop. Could he be the one!? From Wikipedia: Due to its low weekly ratings in the magazine, Double Arts was truncated and ended at chapter 23 during early September 2008, in the 41st issue of Weekly Sh?nen Jump.

Dive In The Vampire Bund

The Vampire Bund, a peaceful island nation of vampires off the coast of Tokyo, ruled by Princess Mina Tepes, has seen its share of conflict and turmoil. Yet there are times of relative tranquility when the Bund is a popular tourist destination. When two teenage tourists visit the Bund and are unexpectedly turned into vampires, they appeal to Mina and her loyal lycanthrope bodyguard, Akira, for help. Their only hope is to find a cure to reverse their vampirism within forty eight hours, or they will be stuck as vampires forever. Unfortunately for them, their race against time turns into a game of cat and mouse that takes them across the entire Bund in pursuit of the one person who holds the key to their salvation.

My Summer Memory

My Summer Memory summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Summer Memory. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Cardinal Newman as a Musician

Cardinal Newman as a Musician summary: Cardinal Newman as a Musician summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cardinal Newman as a Musician. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Witch Rebirth: Strike The Vampire

Witch Rebirth: Strike The Vampire summary: After a quick and mysterious death, Yoona found herself alive once more inside the body of a witch named Ribbon—a notable witch who was supposed to be dead in the strange world she woke up in. How unfortunate of her, for in this world, witches are condemned, and people are nothing but treacherous creatures. Wicked, a powerful man who introduced himself as the guardian of Ribbon had found her. Thinking that she lost her memory, he offered her a contract where she would pledge her blood to him whenever he needed it, and in return, he vowed to protect her and keep her alive. But is he really a friend or a foe? Moreover, will a normal high school girl survive in this dangerous world?

The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

The Fierce Illegitimate Miss summary: Yu Linglong is the shu (born of a concubine) daughter in a general’s family. Since her mother was only a tribute dancer, her position is the lowest of the low. She used to live with her mother outside the father’s residence, and they only received some monthly money from him. He didn’t bother seeing them. But when her mother dies, she moves into the general’s residence.
The general is a very irresponsible and violent man. He doesn’t really get attached to women, just letting his l.u.s.t dictate his actions. His wife is a jealous woman, who killed one of his previous concubines, because he doted on her too much. She similarly wants to get rid of Yu Linglong, in part to vent her frustrations over her husband’s cheating habits.
Because the sixth miss – the general’s legitimate daughter, was bitten by a snake, she needs detoxification. The cure was apparently getting poisoned by scorpions, to fight one poison with another. But since she’s already weak, they decided it would be better if she drank the blood of someone poisoned by scorpions instead. The general’s madam naturally decided to use Yu Linglong’s blood. During the process of getting bitten by the scorpion, the original timid Yu Linglong died of fright (and maybe poison? it’s never made clear). Then Yu Mei takes over her body.
Yu Mei is a modern woman. She was some mafia boss, so she’s very capable with fighting and overbearing att.i.tude. She died because the man she fell in love with betrayed her and killed her. So she doesn’t trust easily afterward.
Since she took over Yu Linglong’s body, she refuses to adapt to the circ.u.mstances of a lowly illegitimate daughter, and uses her violence to fight for a peaceful life, where no one will challenge her and plot against her. Basically, she beats them up into submission. In the meantime, she acquires a tail – a very persistent prince, who only seems to stick to her harder, the colder she treats him. Did ancient men have such heavy tastes, she wonders.

The Oregon Trail

The Oregon Trail summary: The Oregon Trail summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Oregon Trail. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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