


































内容简介:前世,穆如酒为太子鞠躬尽瘁,却最终后位被夺,兵符上缴,一杯鸠酒死于冷宫。三年后,穆如酒重活一次,誓要将皇帝扳倒,搅得国无宁日!听闻,向来清冷的摄政王祁君羡,身边多了娇蛮任性的小丫头,还 娇滴滴叫人“皇叔”。“王爷!小姐把余家公子打残了!”“愣着干什么?还不去帮忙?”“王爷!小姐把您珍藏的书画撕了!”“又不是你家的!”“王爷王爷,小姐说要嫁给公孙将军!”高位上的男人冷1w0-89781 >>


内容简介:“不要叫我后妈,我没你那么大的儿子!”艾天晴一直以为自己要嫁的人是一个快六十的老头,直到某天晚上那个邪魅冷血的男人将她抵在了门上,从此她的日子就……各位书友要是觉得《宠你一世又何妨艾天 晴》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-40385 >>


内容简介:他会在黎明之前到来兄妹骨科是由苏桥离所写的精品文学类小说,本站提供他会在黎明之前到来兄妹骨科最新章节阅读他会在黎明之前到来兄妹骨科全文阅读他会在黎明之前到来兄妹骨科免费无弹窗在线阅读, 如果您发现他会在黎明之前到来兄妹骨科更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-72063 >>


内容简介:  “曾经我被遗弃在起点孤儿院门口,后来孤儿院破产了”  “曾经我上过一个幼儿园,后来这家幼儿园倒闭了”  “这二十年,我经历过火车脱轨,二十八辆汽车连环追尾,天然气泄露,瓦斯气爆炸… …但我还活着”  “生活竭尽所能的想要消灭我,但我仍然顽强的活了下来”  “不过我万万没想到,生活竟然又搞出这种事情——”  【欢迎来到全球进化游戏,本游戏由地球发起,玩家为全人类】  -------------  某位NPC掉落了一串神秘号码:9230176941w0-965 >>


内容简介:穿越到大明朝。黄雄英开局死了个爹,朱元璋开局也死了一个儿子。阴差阳错。黄雄英将朱元璋认作爷爷。两人就此成了爷孙。可渐渐的……黄雄英发现,他好像认错了爷爷,但又好像没错……1w36640 -97577 >>


内容简介:  沈家嫡女沈妤,容色绝俗,备受宠爱,还是太后亲封的郡主,更嫁了一位好郎君。整个人如同一颗耀眼的明珠,荣华无限,让人艳羡。  可有朝一日,这颗明珠从天上坠落地下,蒙上了尘埃,就像脚底的 烂泥,任人践踏。  直到生命的最后一刻,她才知道,所谓宠爱都是利用。  长姐薄命,是早有预谋。幼弟身亡,是被人设计。  太后怜惜,是为一己之私。堂姐护她,是为登上后位。  夫君宠她,则是为了心中真正所爱,能得到世上最好的一切。  只怪他们演技太好,她对这些假象深信不疑。成为了一颗踏脚石,最后大局已定,她一杯毒酒了却性命。  不曾想,老天有眼,让她含恨重生。  既如此,她前世受过的苦要一一讨回来,让她们知道什么是天理昭昭,报应不爽。  本以为她被仇恨蒙蔽了双眼,心中再无感情。不曾想,身后有个人一直在默默保护她、守护她。  ***  他是先太子嫡子,温润如玉,风华无双。  人人都说只有娇弱善良的美人才可配他,他却看上了那个蛇蝎美人。  “我心机深沉,心狠手辣。”沈妤莞尔一笑。  他一袭白衣,浅浅一笑,“我知道。”  “贤良淑德,温良恭俭,我全不知这些为何物。”  他仍旧笑望着她,“我知道。”  “我不喜欢你。”  他笑容越发温柔,“我知道。”  沈妤蹙眉:“你只会说这三个字吗?”  他突然靠近,“夫人,赐婚圣旨已经下了,你现在说这些还有用吗?”  沈妤:“……”  &心狠手辣女主VS温润腹黑男主&  [1v1,男女主身心干净。女主貌比天仙,心有城府,男主也不是什么好人。]1w0-4120 >>


内容简介:因为举报肉文而穿越到书里,这是个禽兽男主遍地,毫无三观可言的世界,没有最变态,只有更变态!“叮!恭喜宿主成功绑定第88号藏经阁系统!”赵合欢简直想跪下叫爸爸,就知道金手指是不会抛弃她的 !但——神特么开启系统福利需要禽兽男主的好感度?!赵合欢跪倒:坑爹啊!这是羊入虎口啊!某禽兽:“欢欢,你把我看光了想怎么负责?”呸!是谁五花大绑捆了她然后跳起脱衣舞的?某变态:“欢欢,你吃我的住我的,不留下点什么?”呸!住?那黄金鸟笼你自己怎么不住?某神医:“小白鼠,回来试试改良版的千疮百孔三步倒?”赵合欢泪奔:给我个痛快吧!惹不起,躲不起吗?换脸,换性别,见男主就躲着走,兜兜转转,却压根躲不过命运二字!赵合欢怒了:她丫发誓要比禽兽更禽兽,要比变态更变态,她要十倍反虐回去,狠狠虐死这群渣子!ps推糖完结文《末世之暖萌娇妻撩美男》1w0-99681 >>








内容简介:一穿书就成了即将被男主斩杀的天道。面对着年纪尚小、任人欺负的男主,温灵心中一软,在养孩子的道路上越走越远。然而她并未发觉,身侧的男主早已变成了重生回来的偏执反派男主,正虎视眈眈的想着怎 么吃了她。温灵握拳:我要把男主培养成正道之光!男主藏起一身锋芒:乖,我已经是了。想起他残暴嗜血的模样,众人正要反驳,却看到男主眼神狠厉,腰间长剑出鞘半分。众人连忙改口保命:对对对,很显然你们都已经成功了。笔趣阁各位书友要是觉得《穿书后我养了偏执男主》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79324 >>

Anata Nanka Iranai

1) I'm Running Towards You Sayurin and Araki have been going out for a while when Araki asked her to be the manager of his volleyball team. But once Sayurin joined she liked Araki's best friend?! What will happen to their relationship? 2) I Don't Need You Madoka loves Wakui, but two weeks since she kissed him, she suddenly learns he has a girlfriend! How will she cross this obstacle to true love? 3) Come On! Ena has cared for Keita Gotou ever since the first day of school, but currently he is going out with her best friend Reiko. One night while walking home, Keita wants Ena to stay over?! What is going to happen to Ena's relationship with Reiko? 4) I Still Love You On the day he met Ekko, Kazumi knew that she would be his girlfriend, so they began to date. Kazumi begins to notice that Etsuko likes his friend. What will happen with them?

Moony - Oukaryou Trilogy

Collection of One Shots: Chapter 1-3: Moony & Moony 2 It all starts when Yuusuke Satou is forced to spend spring holidays at the dormitory along with Moriya. Then, one night Yuusuke discovers that Moriya has troubles seeing at night and while he takes care of Moriya he eventually falls in love with him, but he is worry that Moriya might not return his feelings and will hate him... Chapter 4: The Spring In A NIght of Cherry Blossoms Chapter 4.1: Waiting For The Moon ~ Extra Chapter 5: Moon Flower

Top Wo Narae 2!

Adaptation of Top Wo Narae 2!/GunBuster 2 From here 'Top wo Nerae 2! Diebuster follows the story of Nono, a country girl who dreams of becoming a space pilot (or to be more precise, 'like Nonoriri,' the meaning of which is revealed as the series progresses) who, due to a chance encounter with an actual space pilot finds herself becoming part of the elite Fraternity. Made up of teenage pilots called Topless, and armed with quasi-humanoid weapons called Buster Machines, the Fraternity's mission is to protect the people of the Solar System from attack by swarms of uchuu kaijuu (literally, space monsters). The series revolves around Nono's quest to become like Nonoriri, her relationship with Lal'C Melk Mark, the first Topless she meets whom she immediately idolizes (to the point of 'ironically' calling her onee-sama, or big sister), and the hard work she believes she has to do to be 'worthy' of Lal'C's attention. It also explores her interactions with the rest of the Idols, her efforts to fit in and, ultimately, the truth to her forgotten past.' The manga covers about half of the OVA story. The 'extra story' chapters in Dragon Age are more comedic than the Dragon Age Pure chapters.

Lovers, Souls

Summary refers to the Ohzora Shuppan re-print, 2007: 1. Lovers and Souls Shinomiya is a beautiful college art student who lacks the morals common to most people. After agreeing to be a nude model for Matsuoka, a photography student, he also agrees to sleep with him for money even though he is straight. However, what started as a small taste of the forbidden soon spirals out of control when Shinomiya begins selling his body to other guys as a prostitute in a male brothel. Can Matsuoka save Shinomiya from himself? 2. Vanity After the events of Lovers and Souls, Tooru is still deeply heartbroken. Trying to find solace in Hikaru, Tooru challenges the terms of their friendship. But can he handle the consequences? 3. Sleeping Beauty Matsuoka sees Tooru for the first time. 4. A Moon in Name Only In their last year of high school, Akihiko Nozaki admits to his best friend Kai that he's gay. Kai is stunned but it doesn't change their friendship, but Kai's curiosity is aroused and he begins to see Nozaki differently. 5. The Name of that Sky Sequel to 'A Moon in Name Only', told more from Nozaki's point of view. Nozaki isn't sure whether to trust that his relationship with Kai will last, since he's even been dumped by gay men before. What's to keep a guy who wasn't even gay from breaking up with him?

Fragments of science

Fragments of science summary: Fragments of science summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Fragments of science. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Missionary Work Among the Ojebway Indians

Missionary Work Among the Ojebway Indians summary: Missionary Work Among the Ojebway Indians summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Missionary Work Among the Ojebway Indians. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Epoch of Twilight

Epoch of Twilight summary: Have you ever thought that the state of the world as it presently is, could revert to the laws of the ancients? When a series of strange incidents beginning with the disappearance of his friend led Luo Yuan to question the possibility of an apocalypse, he becomes embroiled in the midst of a global-scale chaos. Evolution has turned the flora and fauna of the vast and bountiful Earth into something that had never been seen before. Coincidentally, the all-dominating h.o.m.o sapiens have ended up at the bottom of the food chain. From mystery to crisis, will Luo Yuan discover a means of saving humanity by racing to the top of the food chain? Or will he strive in accordance with the law of the jungle? It is the dawn of an age of the survival of the fittest.

Galaxy Of Fear_ The Hunger

Galaxy Of Fear_ The Hunger summary: Galaxy Of Fear_ The Hunger summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Galaxy Of Fear_ The Hunger. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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