






















类别都市 恋爱 霸总










内容简介:  荒古时期,人族新生,天地间无数凶兽,蛮兽,妖兽纵横,以人为食,人族如蝼蚁般在夹缝中生存,奋力挣扎。  有人族先祖,以身犯险,种凶兽,蛮兽血脉于己身,获取凶兽血脉,借助血脉之力,获取 本属于凶兽的各种血脉神通,发挥出惊人战力,此为古族。  担山赶月,追星逐日,焚天煮海,法天象地,三头六臂......无数神通,爆发出惊人威力,为人族打开一条鲜血淋漓的生存之路。  无尽岁月,星空中,一座冰冷的古墓,在黑暗中漂流。  这是谁的墓?1w0-3912 >>


内容简介:他是让人闻风丧胆的铁血总裁,狠厉嗜血,她是被他抚养长大的孤儿。遇到霍霆琛,顾瑶才知道什么是宠到极致,要星星摘星星,要月亮摘月亮,天塌下来有他顶着。顾瑶:“霍叔我要当影后”霍霆琛:“我来 陪你对戏,先从床戏开始怎么样?”大叔有三好,成熟稳重易推倒。酥到爆,甜到齁,娱乐圈甜宠大叔文。1w0-27681 >>




内容简介:  茫茫昆吾山,十万零八千。灵缈一剑起,荡尽九州巅。一个现代宅男,重生武侠的世界,成为一个小门派的小师叔,意外发现身怀一个垃圾网页游戏的武学兑换系统,通过它竟然可以兑换到武侠小说中的所 有武功。于是乎,九阳神功、九阴真经、独孤九剑、降龙十八掌…… 种种神功绝技,开始称霸异世江湖……欢迎各位书友加入QQ群(御剑仙盟):296747560。新书《异域强徒》已经上线,日更万字,最过瘾的超能力末世小说!请收藏推荐!1w0-349 >>




内容简介:【通知:本文将于5月3日入v,当天更新肥章,连载期间保三争六,感谢各位小仙女一直以来的支持,卖萌打滚求继续包养!百里笑容】班里来了新同学,是个学习好,性格好,声音甜美还爱笑的女生,跟她 相处如沐春风。校草陆辰昱不以为然,不过是一只喜欢假笑的小狐狸罢了,装模作样,狐假虎威,好不可爱。n年后,小狐狸摇身一变成为万千少女的偶像,粉丝无数,每天都有一大堆人排队向她表白。正值事业上升期,狗仔突然爆出她和某集团总裁进出酒店,举止亲密,一时舆论沸腾,黑料满天飞。媒体纷纷预测:凉了。夜里,陆辰昱将女孩抵在卧室墙上,咬着她的耳朵,威胁:“公开。”她细声细语求饶不成,无奈发微博澄清:“是老公。”配图是两张红彤彤的结婚证。从校服到婚纱。爱如执火迎风,这一路寒风是你,这一生灯火亦是你。假面小狐狸vs她的王子,前期校园后期娱乐圈,含破镜重圆情节,不虐,全程甜宠苏。本文人物纯属虚构,sc,1v1,he。封面设计:芥末仁儿ps:59日开始本文开70的防盗,如果订阅比率不足70,那小仙女要48小时后才能看到新章,如果高于70,就没有任何影响,高于70看不到新章的,可以清一下缓存试试。感谢小仙女们的支持!鞠躬预收:《被宠爱的金主的一生》(暂定)滚出时家大门的那天,时初收到了丰厚的精神补偿费,她打开众筹网站,把钱扔给陌生人。从此一无所有,工作还不顺利。大家纷纷笑她,昔日千金落魄成了灰姑娘,颜面扫地。不久,时初投资的小众文艺电影在某国际电影节拿了大奖,新晋影帝找上门来。时初大喜,心想这穷困潦倒的日子终于到头了!岂料影帝端了个破碗,可怜巴巴地看着她。“再给点?”于是,吃了上顿没下顿的时初成了影帝的金主。花钱一时爽一直花钱一直爽男主版文案:不红就要回去继承家业。他什么都骗。如果您喜欢狐狸贩糖,别忘记分享给朋友作者:百里笑容所写的《狐狸贩糖》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-86989 >>


内容简介:她是腹黑狠辣的暗夜鬼医,一朝穿越,成为人人鄙视唾弃的废材女。契约上古神兽,修炼逆天神诀,亮瞎众人的眼。毒丹毒剂在手,敢欺她之人,找死!九品丹药算什么?她的萌宠都当糖豆吃。会炼药,就是那 么任性!他是绝色妖冶的夜王爷,世人皆以为他冷酷无情,可为什么她眼里的他竟是如此难缠,阴魂不散。“你盯着我干什么?”“本君在想,你什么时候正式成为本君的女人。”一枚细针抵住了他的腰际,她笑道:“爷,冲动是魔鬼,1w4978-26625 >>




内容简介:盛弋从十六岁时开始喜欢许行霁,整整七年,没勇气和他说过一句话她只是默默的追随他,和他报一样的大学,偷偷看他,然后在别人攻击许行霁的时候坚定地说:他是天才就算天才藏起了翅膀,收敛了锋芒, 他也是天才大学毕业那年,盛弋阴差阳错的被家里安排嫁给了许行霁商圈的人都知道,许家那三公子许行霁是许家的私生子,不受重视,纨绔子弟,爱玩风流……没人想嫁他,但于盛弋而言,是如愿以偿无论多少人看不起许行霁,但他是自己的梦想只是在那场盛大的联姻婚礼上,新郎甚至都没有出席盛弋成了一个独自完成婚礼的新娘,也成了圈内的笑柄直到第二天,许行霁才特意从国外飞回来,递给她一份离婚协议“都是互相搪塞家里人的。”坐在餐桌对面的男人一身低调的黑色西装,漂亮的眉眼张扬肆意,看着盛弋的目光是毫无温度的冷:“两年为期,然后结束。”盛弋知道自己没有资格拒绝这份协议,她只问了一个问题:“你婚礼那天不出现,是为了故意羞辱我吗?”许行霁:“是。”盛弋直到这个时候才愿意承认,现在的他已经不是自己多年前一见倾心的惊艳少年了以前的许行霁苍白漂亮,才华横溢,所思所想所创造的都是不世出的惊艳之作,现在……1w0-96988 >>


内容简介:娱乐圈生存法则最新章节免费阅读娱乐圈生存法则是非文字爱好者创作的经典都市言情作品,全文讲述了:欢迎来到残酷娱乐圈。年下,有攻女装情节,占比不多。疯p躁郁症顶流明星受情感障碍知名演员攻新 晋顶流祁慕然深受私生所害,跟车蹲酒店追行程,各种手段层出不穷,直到他不知怎么想不开去演戏,一头栽进剧组里,开始跟她们打长期的游击战。这也就罢了,她们扛着各种长焦镜头去拍路透,看见顶流身边总会站着一个美艳的女演员,与他形影不离,姿态亲密,气得她们想要当场脱粉。这种状态一直维持到剧方官宣那天,女主角的演员姓名那1w0-70413 >>


内容简介:又名《拆迁地球》太阳系的第三颗小球上住着70亿地球人,他们总嚷着要征服宇宙,却从不抬头看一眼天空。他们总叫着要保护地球,却一直在依赖地球的保护。他们热爱生命,也热爱挥霍生命,他们厌恶战 争,可总爱发起战争。这是一群充满矛盾的原始生物,愚昧,却有趣。他们值得成为一枚标本,在这无聊的黑暗中永存。【这只是一个平行宇宙的故事,一切与我们现实世界无关】有朋友问新书是硬科幻吗?您看就知道了1w0-92374 >>


内容简介:作者做了个恐怖的梦,梦到自己变成老虎被狮子吃掉了。梦醒后心里不甘,于是写了一篇yy文。文笔不好,请多包涵。文案:作为一个威风凛凛的森林之王,融寅没想过自己会变成孱弱的人类。而把她困在这 副身躯之中的那个人,每天晚上都会来…首发:ωoо1⒏υip1w0-122503 >>

Mvp Wa Yuzurenai

Yoshiyuki is high school student and loves basketball. She is involved in a love triangle. School affairs seem endless, will she find her true love?

Not For Sale!

Nozomi is a boring and late-blooming college student. His classmate, Ryuji, is an extremely dangerous delivery host. When Nozomi witnesses a steamy kiss between Ryuji and a male teacher, he's thunderstruck! His eyes can't seem to stop following Ryuji's movements. If Ryuji has any say (and he does!), Nozomi is just about to get a taste of paradise. Oneshots from the book include : • 04 Hitori De Yare yo - Comedy duo Masata and Naru aren't doing very well, but they're still together. Mainly because Masata is helpless and Naru can't leave him alone. But when Naru finds out Masata's been keeping secrets things may fall apart. • 05 Love Cocktail - When unfortunately named Minami Haruo wanders into Sagawa's bar, Sagawa gives him his special aphrodisiac cocktail and has his way with him. But who is Minami really? And is he ever coming back? • 06 Air - Nobuyuki and Yugi became a family 7 years ago, when their parents remarried. A year later after that, Yugi's father got into an accident which left Yugi a scar inside himself. Yugi convinced himself that everyone around him will disappear one day, and that in the end he will end up alone, always. Nobuyuki disagree and claim that they are family, and so they will always be together. 'If you can, show it to me. Since you are not my brother, from now on...you are air' is what Yugi said. What will happen to this pair?

Koi Koi 7

Tetsuro Tanaka is a month late starting high school due to an accident. As he's finally able to go, he's almost hit by a truck, but is saved by a mysterious girl who wears the same pendant as the one that his school has. He finds out that he's the only boy in his class and is instantly hated by his classmates except for a few. One girl is Yayoi Asuka, whose name Tetsuro is familiar with as it's the same name as a girl he knew when he was little. A few more girls get introduced, one being Sakuya Kazamatsuri. Yayoi reveals that she has superpowers and she takes him to his dorm, which she is going to share with him along with Sakuya, Miyabi Tsukuyomi, Akio Suzuka, Otome Chouno, Hifumi Inokai, and finally his teacher, Kano.

Taka Wo Kukurouka

Collection of one shots. 1. Aisaka tends to get in a lot of fights and Tadaka is the school playboy. On a chance meeting where Aisaka gets beaten to a pulp, Tadaka offers to carry his bruised body home. There, Tadaka makes a deal with Aisaka that if he doesnt fight they'll have a sexual relationship. 2. Masaru and Sugeru are identical twin brothers. Sugeru tends to enjoy using his brothers name to chase skirts and Masaru is the one who always gets the beatings when people come looking for revenge. Its not TOO much of a problem until Masaru meets Masato. A nice guy who really loves Sugeru (who's just using him for money), and it wouldnt be a problem if Masaru wasnt falling for Masato himself. 3.Koike an average student is best friends with Jinnai, a student who excels. When they get into separate high schools Koike still cannot forget what he felt for him, so when Jinnai comes around for a visit, Koike jumps on his chance to tell him how he really feels. 4. Tomonaga is forced to go to an all boys school when his mother is fed up with his delinquent ways. He expects an torn down rough school, and instead gets a school sparkling with gay pretty boys. Not that he's happy about it. At least his roommate Natsume is normal...in a sense. 5. Rather than bumming around all summer his mother orders Yoshimura to get a job. He quickly gets one at a barbeque shop under Sakashita who's grandfather is in the hospital. Yoshimura is surprised by how instantly drawn he is to Sakashita and spends a majority of his time at work trying not to give into his new temptations. 6. A haphazard public morals committee member and a touchy troublemaker. 7. A hot tempered judo club member who loves fights and the (um, playboy?) who provokes him by staring at him lustfully, which he mistakes for a stare of wanting revenge.

The Witch CEO Is NOT A Demoness

The Witch CEO Is NOT A Demoness summary: High bun, eyegla.s.ses, long sleeve shirt and plaited skirt. Dressed so strictly, FengJiu reached 28 without having any intimate interaction with men.
At an early age, being an orphan, FengJiu dedicated herself on taking good care of her grandfather and their business, choosing to live a life different from a normal teenager.
Now, as the CEO of Feng International, people view her as a stoic woman without emotions. Deep inside, FengJiu is like any other women, want to experience the beauty of life and romance.
Due to the pressure of her grandfather in her marriage, FengJiu decided to let herself experience the life of a single woman without worries before tying the knot (marriage). For the first time in her life, she got drunk and party all night.
Huh? Why is she naked? Eh? Ehh?!
'Woman, after eating me dry, you have to take responsibility.' a shameless man said.
In an instant, she became his 'sugar mommy'.
What?! This shameless NEET whom she 'adopted' is the owner of Lu Corporation, her enemy?!
Before she could escape, she got tied on the bed.
'Woman, you better chose wisely. You will marry me or I will marry you?'
She strictly rejects him after knowing everything but every inch of her body craves for him otherwise.
(N.E.E.T.- Not in Education, Employment or Training aka Unemployed)

The Wolf Lord’s Lady

The Wolf Lord’s Lady summary: The previous lords have committed as many atrocities as possible to fill their bellies. I, the only daughter of that house, had discovered that my servant and lover was a spy.
And as the people wanted, my life ended with my execution.
However, with the memory of getting beheaded intact, I began a new life. I was planning to shoulder the sins of my past life and become a nun, but by some trick of fate, I came to work as a maid for the current lord.
Under my former lover, whose name, age and even hair colour were all lies.

Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers

Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers summary: Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Congo and Other Poems

The Congo and Other Poems summary: The Congo and Other Poems summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Congo and Other Poems. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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