








类别热血 冒险 魔幻 日漫 魔法
























内容简介:从小无父无母的林枫被老头子捡回来,老头子训练他成为一个顶尖的杀手。在一次执行任务中,林枫得到任务品之后不慎被人埋伏不幸身亡。谁料此任务品竟是华夏上古神物,将他魂魄带到另外一个世界重生。 上古神物内有神兽一只,功法无数,借此林枫踏上了一条修神之路。1w0-60936 >>


内容简介:梦醒港岛,范毅武觉醒破损版制式签到系统,与各种诡异斗智斗勇。你以为我要靠系统?放弃,我特么神功护体刀枪不入,你捅我一刀试试?打鬼用巧克力,捉鬼用保鲜膜,关老爷保佑,无事该。1w0-29 717 >>


内容简介:第三次世界大战最终爆发,核弹融化地心,全球海啸翻滚,人类文明出现百年断层,各种辐化怪兽层出不穷,刚刚魂穿来的梵风,迎来了末日史上最大的古遗迹网游地下城与勇士作为曾经dnf的最强搬砖主播 ,让梵风最意外的是,这里所有人都不知道dnf怀念的装备,秋叶刀,梵风衣,墨竹手镯,鳞岩三件套,怒灵套,龙脊套,天空之城怀念的口号,五千带刷僵尸,三万带刷天空之城全图怀念的套路,gsd这全场一金币了,快来抢购啊一转成人,二转登峰,三转造极,四转成神最正统的dnf,最浩瀚的末日之景,勇士们,拿起你的剑,向着光明进发1w0-47185 >>




内容简介:手机阅读《御上攻略》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读我叫林映空,是灵异学界的男神……的助手。我家上司实力强,颜值高,智商爆表——当然,情商也爆表,爆下限的那种,迟钝得令人发指。我爱上了他,凄凉 的是,他从来看不懂我调戏他的梗。他的死党说我是大灰狼,他的属下说我是大魔王。可是你们怎么懂得我想扑倒都下不了手的痛?!如何快速让迟钝上司理解我蠢蠢欲动的心?急,在线等!1w0-32554 >>


内容简介:【体育竞技,全息游戏,微魔幻】司扶倾把自己炸死后,不仅被夺了气运,人人都让她滚出娱乐圈。重活一次,她只想咸鱼躺,谁知娱乐圈里总有不长眼人蹦跶,不学无术,天天拉踩蹭她热度,这样下去还有救 ?怎么也得收拾收拾。司扶倾捏了捏手腕,动了。后来——爆出与司扶倾不和的顶流:今天我能站在这里,多亏了倾姐。老牌影帝:司老师演技登峰造极,我自愧不如。黑粉:姐姐求营业QAQ国际运动会组委会:恭喜司扶倾拿下第131w53820-89537 >>


内容简介:  现代金牌培训师一朝穿越,竟成农家苦菜花儿前脚被卖糟老头子做妾,以死相逼,后脚又被卖将死之人,给人冲喜冲喜就冲喜,季善不信还不能掌握自己的命运了!不想垂危夫君病因竟是考试恐惧症,这不 是送分题吗?且看她如何化恐惧为动力,助自己的第N个学生金榜题名。只是某人不是说好中了就放她自由么?怎么越来越撩了不知道老阿姨对小鲜肉的抵抗能力为零,再撩就真要忍不住了某小鲜肉:“忍不住就别忍,来吧,别因我是娇花就怜惜我!”季善能怎么办?只能如他所愿,夫妻俩一起一路高中,让极品都全部退散,走上人生巅峰了……1w0-4313 >>


内容简介:洛音被抛弃后,挺着八个月的大肚子,浑身血淋淋躺在急救室里,医生告诉她,婴儿中途缺氧没有抢救过来。六年后,豪门世家小少爷非要拉她回家:带你去见爹地!冷面大佬居然有些眼熟!他冷笑:跑了六年 ,不想对我负责了吗!?洛音从此在外勇闯娱乐圈赚奶粉钱,在家还有哄着一大一小:那些绯闻都是炒作!直到……她不屑一笑,抚着隆起小腹:现在该你负责了!1w0-77303 >>


内容简介:神魔混战,万界崩塌,只永恒仙域,长存世间。万古后,一尊名为赵云的战神,凝练了天地玄黄,重铸了宇宙洪荒,自碧落凡尘,打上了永恒仙域,以神之名,君临万道。自此,他说的话,便是神话。1w36 32-27093 >>


内容简介:西风不寐完整版by青山路远,他是风华山庄不受重视的大公子,庶出的身份,平庸的才能,就像角落里不起眼的一粒沙子,比相貌才干都过人的二公子差了千里万里。然而明知自己这样平凡,他还是不自量力 地喜欢上了出色的世家侠少程飞。小心翼翼地掩饰,小心翼翼地靠近,他无法设想有一天对方知道了1w0-80640 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大秦:躺平食铁兽,始皇偷听心声】白罴开局觉醒‘咸鱼躺平系统’,化身大秦瑞兽!憨憨萌萌大熊猫,每天过着咸鱼躺平的生活,召唤各朝代的王侯将相进行气运问答。‘铲屎官 ’嬴政竟能听到自己的心声。嬴政:“这题朕必定正确,能够搏得头奖!”【拉倒吧,这题明明选c,你这不是选择了一个错误答案吗】嬴政:“徐福的丹药炼的不错,寡人也赏你一颗。”【我把你丹炉都翻了,这种重金属剧毒,你可别给我吃】嬴政:“汝乃天地瑞兽,为何要如此懒散,不如与寡人一起开创鼎盛的大秦帝国!”【子非熊猫,安知躺平之乐】【】飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-76316 >>


内容简介:修仙世界,无奇不有。有一老道士,过仙门而不入。有一痴情女子,等轮回之人一世又一世。有一书生,喜欢和人讲道理。有一剑客,一人一剑最是风流。又有一魔头,敢叫仙人也低头。还有一和尚,万花丛中 过片叶不粘身...一少年迈入修行,从此便一发不可收拾。1w0-3092 >>

Touzandou Tentsui Ibun

From back cover: He was robbed of his position as the heir and hunted down by his own stepmother. While escaping, the impoverished Shuri happened to meet Gunji, who was the spitting image of his older brother and attendant Shuri loved the most – Heikurou. From then on, they began living together. But though Gunji was willing to sacrifice himself to ward off Shuri's pursuers, Shuri was...? The first volume interweaves an old love tale between a clumsy, violent ronin samurai and a naive young master. Accompanied with it is a 66-page modern love story – 'Red Tears,' and the extra part. Popular for Junjou Romantica, Shungiku's earlier works were more samurai romance/yaoi of this sort. Here we have a basic spoiled brat and his bodyguard developing feelings for one another. by Yasha

Yume De Aetara

Fuguno Masuo is a hapless 24 year-old businessman who is unlucky in love, He's never even had a girlfriend! After consulting a fortune teller, Masuo believes he'll never have a chance in love. All that changes when he meets the beautiful Nagisa Shiozaki at a marriage interview pub, who herself has had the same poor luck with guys. Now he'll do anything to woo the girl, but he'll have to fend off other suitors and the affections of a co-worker, all while keeping himself out of awkward situations that always end badly for him. Originally penned by YAMAHANA Noriyuki under the pen name HANAKO.


This is a biography of the famous Buddhist monk Ikkyu from the late Hisashi Sakaguchi. Set in 14th century Japan, Ikkyu must learn to live and excel as a monk, despite the fact that his father is the emperor. His intelligence and purity help him succeed, but he continues to get the short end of the stick in life. Can Ikkyu perservere in his quest for spirituality in spite of everything that is set against him?


[Read left to right]In a world where hauntings are a common occurrence, ghost banishing has become your typical day-job. One of these banishers, Rad, is desperate to become the strongest in his field. That is, strong enough to take his sister back from a demon...DA: http://wickedalucard.deviantart.com/Tapastic: http://tapastic.com/series/Echofreak

Kiss With Mr. CEO

Kiss With Mr. CEO summary: Fate is a funny thing.
A random stranger Chen Yi kissed to p.i.s.s off her ex turned out to be the CEO of the Li Corporations?
Chen Yi, the girl with impeccable beauty that could trample the heavens and devastate earth-eyes like dark shimmering brown gemstones, hair like a cascade of chocolate brown color. Skin pale like snow. Features delicate and flawless like a porcelain doll.
Abandoned and wronged by her family, cheated by her ex, betrayed by her cousin...
Sounds usual, doesn't it?
But things take an exciting turn when a certain CEO appears a at her doorstep with a contract in his hands.
'It's your choice. Either pay for the losses caused by you or sign this contract and become my wife.'
One kiss and she was bound with the formidable CEO for her life.
-Sneak peek into a chapter-
'Mr. Li, could you exclude the term of the conjugal relationship between the married couple?'
Li Luxian was momentarily surprised to hear that. Then the mischievous smile returned to his lips.
'May I ask why? Could it be you don't find my body attractive enough?'
Chen Yi was speechless.
Of course, he was attractive. He was simply a G.o.d for his looks. Did he even need to ask that? But he couldn't expect her to sleep with him right after the marriage. They needed to familiarize themselves with each other first.
That was a common-sense everyone with a relationship experience would know! Unless this impossible man had never been in a relationship before. Chen Yi looked at him. Could it be really so?
Just what in seven h.e.l.ls Chen Yi was getting her into! Oh well, it's not like she had a choice.
'It's not about that...' Chen Yi coughed. She didn't know what to say to this man. To moisten her dry throat she picked up a gla.s.s of water and chucked it down.
'Not that? Could it be that you are worried that I wouldn't be able to pleasure you well enough?' With a raised eyebrow Li Luxian asked.
Chen Yi spit out everything in her mouth. He did not just say that!
'And if you are still worried then we could always try out something so that you could confirm beforehand that I am good enough' Li Luxian rose up from the chair.
Chen Yi almost fell out of her chair.
This was not happening!
At least take your secretary in consideration who is still standing here!!!
'Mr. Li I'll take my leave then.' Secretary Zhang bowed with a stiff face and proceeded to leave her alone with his boss to give his boss some privacy to certify his skills.

Dissertation on Slavery

Dissertation on Slavery summary: Dissertation on Slavery summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dissertation on Slavery. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Rambles of a Naturalist

Rambles of a Naturalist summary: Rambles of a Naturalist summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rambles of a Naturalist. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Love And Skate

Love And Skate summary: Love And Skate summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Love And Skate. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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