












简介昨日窗外鸭狗闹,今日王府争妖娆 妈呀,这帅哥是俺老公?!俺幸福死了!




















内容简介:她扶持夫君当上皇帝,但是他登基之日,却将她满门抄斩。重生五年前,父母尚在,她也尚未出嫁,一切还没有开始,叶慕兮誓要报仇雪恨,挽救前世遗憾。被人欺压的懦弱小姐,带着五年记忆惊艳变身,护胞 弟,踩渣男,步步为营,占尽先机。只是,怎么一不小心招惹了这个妖孽世子爷?她杀人,他放火。她下毒,他灭口。她要愿得一人心,他就宠她一世一双人。夫妻联手,男强女强,一宠到底。1w0-3970 >>


内容简介:曾经佣兵世界的王者,一手握生死,一掌定乾坤; 被逼回国与美女总裁相亲,醉卧美人群。 超级兵王低调归来,却无意招惹到火辣迷人的女警花,清纯美丽的女教师,还有那刁蛮任性的小萝莉…… 他拳打 富二代、脚踩古武世家,凭借自身能力为美女排忧解难。1w0-3844 >>


内容简介:《她似毒臣言51》简介:也不知过了多久,门终于再一次被打开了,这一次过来的,不是老板娘,而是两个男人,一个精瘦精瘦的,一个则是五大三粗的身躯,看上去就不好惹(情深似毒甘之如饴)。两个人 看到苏瑾叶,各自对视了一眼,伸出手来,想要将苏瑾叶带走(情深似毒甘之如饴)。苏瑾叶挥开他们的手,“我自己来。”“呦,还是个硬骨头。”瘦小的男人摸了摸下巴,眼神饶有趣味的上下打量,眼神带着几分不明意味(情深似毒甘之如饴)。苏瑾叶也不在乎,迟钝的走出去,站在外头,才发现这是在不知道哪里的荒郊野岭,周围到处都是树,荒无人烟,只有一辆车子停在外头(情深似毒甘之如饴)。她自己上了车,后方两个男人这才上了去。刚上车,高个子的男人手机就响了,瘦子一边开车,一边看高个子打电话,末了高个子挂了电话,说:“钱已经拿到手了,周围也没有警察,人可以送去指定地点了(情深似毒甘之如饴)。。1w0-76641 >>


内容简介:微博晋江君汐若最近时空司新添了一个任务部门,组里虽然只有一个人,却是主神费尽心血亲自创造出来的精英。而这个被命名为“被攻略组”的部门的任务只有一个,那就是——扮演位面原著人物,不惜一切 代价,务必将即将脱离控制的VIP金牌攻略者留在这个世界受自带被攻略系统,扮演原著人物金牌攻略者自带各种攻略系统,根据任务攻略原著人物大概就是个攻略者准备攻略受扮演的原著人物时,却在攻略途中无法自拔地沦陷,最后任务完成甘愿留在这个世界的感人故事(?),嗯。……至于受?当然是坐等攻略者们来想方设法攻略自己啦≧▽≦结论主神在下很大一盘棋就是这么丧心病狂,依旧要写这种被攻略的无脑苏文hhho ̄▽ ̄ブ【酷爱去吃药本文将于日18时准时入V,感谢一直陪伴我走过来的你们,真的很爱泥萌~么么啾!推荐自己和基友的文《初恋逆转系统快穿》by君汐若男神总在被攻略《鲛人男神娱乐圈》by君汐若今天男神的马甲掉了吗没有《我只想做个普通人(穿书)》by梦千航但是这个世界不让。排雷指南:1本文苏白雷,人设苏苏苏,文笔小白,不适者还请绕路2“将攻略者留在这个世界”这句话就是表面意思,攻略者一般任务完成后会被强行离开,想留下只有脱离时空司变成普通人,也就是只有这一世不会再穿越了。3结局1v1,正攻由每个攻略对象被回收的一部分灵魂组成。1w0-29418 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:开局觉醒中元节,百鬼夜行】白珏穿越到属于‘节令士’的世界,在这里,每个人都可以觉醒节日的力量为自己所用。有人觉醒春节,年兽护体,万法不侵。有人觉醒寒食,寒气弥 漫,冻结万物。有人觉醒中秋,可引动月星之力,镇杀邪祟。端午、重阳、乃至道教节,一个又一个不同的节日,都代表着不同的力量。而白珏觉醒之日,开局觉醒中元节,百鬼夜行【简介不会写,请看正文吧!】飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢开局觉醒中元节,百鬼夜行,别忘记分享给朋友作者:求生有名所写的《开局觉醒中元节,百鬼夜行》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84874 >>


内容简介:一个人砍翻乱世的人生之路。丧尸:吼。林凡:“大家都是邻居,为什么要如此暴躁呢。”林凡:“我还要去买菜呢。”林凡看着变成丧尸的小青:“小青,我买了几瓶水,已经扫码了哦。”林凡:“老板,我 想结一下工资。”阳光小区,林凡生活的小区,无数逃难者,蜂拥而至,寻求庇护。我们要跟林凡学习,遵守法律,打工赚钱,争取买房买车,在丧尸横行的城市里,做一位优秀的市民。1w94413-99025 >>


内容简介:  婚后一个月,颜早被贴上了小三的标签,面对网上攻击,现实谩骂,她淡定的走到蓝暮面前:“爱不爱的无所谓,主要我这个人要面子,你有一个红颜知己,我就去找十个黑骑士。”  第二天,有关于蓝 暮另有所爱的新闻统统消失。  婚后两个月,公婆来逼离婚,颜早拿出婚前协议到蓝暮面前,“离婚可以,钱我一分不会退。”  蓝暮:“那不能离。”  婚后好几个月,协议到期,颜早收拾包袱走人,被男人堵在门口,“初三就看你开始给我写情书,怎么我到现在一封没收到?”  #人生最幸福的事情莫过于,你暗恋的人也一直默默关注着你#1w0-952 >>


内容简介:   见狂澜之树,挽大厦之将倾....... 灵气复苏,万界争霸..... 武道修仙异能,谁可纵横? 一切,从一个小小的模拟器开始。 巫师世界,仙侠世界,猎魔世界,诸神世界. .......1w0-1762 >>


内容简介:睿智男儿以铁血纵横江山,风流掌柜治江山如经营酒肆。他的人生,只为同一画卷的人而活,所以他成为江山的掌柜!———————————————————————————————————————— —————————…1w0-71054 >>


内容简介:盛传,飞扬跋扈不可一世的长宁侯老夫人开始给长子议亲了,她生了六个儿子,都是妈宝男,以长子为最。众夫人无不等着看侯夫人被拒绝,心灰意冷的模样,连太后都不看好,暗设赌局,赌侯夫人为娶长媳会 吃几次闭门羹……众夫人将压箱底的银票翻出来压赌,准备大干一场,谁知府里闺女,吵着闹着要给侯夫人当儿媳生孙女去!「戳一戳」收养作者君专栏:电1w0-80532 >>




内容简介:  巴罗夫家族,一个阿拉索血统的庞大家族,富有而神秘。北至布瑞尔,西至南海镇,南至塔伦米尔,东至凯尔达隆都是他们的封地。  重生在这样的家族,卡洛斯快乐而幸福。  春天在凯尔达隆湖心堡 享受女仆队三千的服侍。  夏天在塔伦米尔的苹果园消夏避暑。  秋天在布瑞尔的枫林赏红叶飞舞。  冬天在南海镇享用鳕鱼盛宴。  无论有什么需求只要摇摇巴罗夫的管家铃就能得到满足。  这样的生活能过一辈子才不枉来艾泽拉斯走一遭嘛!  如果不是玩过WOW,我TMD差点就信了。  1w0-1972 >>

Baby Pink Kiss

[From ShoujoMagic]: This volume is a collection of short love stories. Story 1: Romantic Love Complex The rumors of Hitomi's sexual exploits are getting out of hand, and Hitomi's nerdy boyfriend, Gaku, of course has heard them all. With his parents' vacation house all to themselves during the holidays, he's determined to have Hitomi turn him into a real man. What he doesn't know is that Hitomi started the rumors herself because she was too afraid to admit that... (!!!) Story 2: Hold Me, Holy Knight Kana has broken up with her boyfriend just in time to make Christmas very lonely. That's when she meets Iikura, a handsome stranger who offers to be her boyfriend for the sake of the holiday. He's a little unorthodox, and shy in the one way that Kana expects a man to be aggressive. Charmed by Iikura's eccentricity, will Kana give both her body and heart to him before the holy night is over? Story 3: Totally Pure Heart It's Valentine's Day at Kurumi's school, and Kurumi made chocolate the night before with someone specific in mind. When it comes down to sink-or-swim, and Kurumi must present it or be stuck with her own hand-made chocolate heart... she sinks. Running from her embarrassment (and her persistent friends), she ends up alone in a room with Matsuura, one of the most popular boys in school who is also doing his best to evade Valentine's Day. Although he's weighed down with chocolate gifts, he's determined to steal Kurumi's pure chocolate heart... Story 4: Flower Couple The continuation of 'Totally Pure Heart.' Kurumi's friend Chisato is well-meaning when she suggests that confessing love for Matsuura or sleeping with him too often will make him grow tired of the relationship quickly. Kurumi is also well-meaning when she brings Chisato and asks Matsuura to invite a male friend for the 'camping trip for two' that Matsuura planned. Getting mixed signals from Kurumi and being scrutinized by Chisato, Matsuura is frustrated, and it's only a matter of time before someone cracks. Story 5: The Glass Shoe Doesn't Fit Mia and Ikurou have been friends since childhood, but lately Ikurou has taken an interest in the lovely Satoe. While Mia drops subtle hints that Ikurou fails to pick up, she gets to constantly hear how she's not quite as cute as Satoe. It becomes too much for Mia, and when another handsome and highly sexual student asks her to be his girlfriend, she has no good reason to refuse. When Ikurou learns of Mia's new male acquisition, the lovely Satoe suddenly seems less attractive to him, but his realization may have come too late...

Ai Kara Hajimaru

Sakura Ai, had her first love on Tokuzawa Taiyou during her elementary years. When the sweet and gentle Tokuzawa-kun transferred to another school causing Ai-chan to have a funny nickname 'Granny Ai' when he left, Ai-chan tried to forget about him. But fate never gave up even when she was in high school! While Ai-chan went to her garden of sunflowers by the pool in the school, she found a phone lying on the ground. When she knew that it was Tokuzawa-kun's, she left it on the ground and ran away, knowing that the kind Tokuzawa-kun she used to know during childhood is now a frank tough delinquent, would her love for him bloom again? From Intercross: Sakura Ai has always loved sunflowers, as they appear like the sun, which incidentally also was the name of her first crush, Taiyou, in the 3rd grade. From since then, Ai has never had another love and has also become quite introverted, but after meeting a guy with the same name, somethings will begin to change… Also contains: Sugarless Kiss Ami met Kasshi-senpai when he took a bite out of her choco banana muffin. Since discovering that he likes sweets, she has given him various handmade sweets. But that doesn't stop him from having other girls around. Tsunde Renjyou Yuika and Haru have been dating for a year. Yuika is selfish and likes sweet things, while Haru is amazingly kind. But will Haru end up hating Yuika because of her attitude...

Shuuseki Kairo No Himawari

A cyber-punkish collection of stories revolving around the theme of the 'DOLL.' 1. Keep Those Condoms Away From Our Kids The tale of boys and girls who have lost their sexual desire. Mihara Mitsukazu's debut work. 2. The Iron Maiden The tale of the strain a girl experiences from having grown up in a home without love. 3. The Sunflower Quality Of An Integrated Circuit Vanilla is a robot made by the SG Company. She's loaded with all the latest functions and completely subserviant to humans. And you even have the separate option of upgrading her to a lover robot. One Vanilla is a maidroid in the home of an elderly master and his younger wife. The atmosphere in the house is cold and stiff because the wife is having an affair with a younger man. The lonely master comes to look upon Vanilla as his own dear child. He suggests that when the sunflowers bloom, they go outside together to watch them. 'Is that a command, sir?' asks Vanilla. 'It is not a command,' he replies. 'It is a promise.' And so forms the piercing and painful integrated circuit--the alternating current of intercourse--between a lonely old man and the emotionless Vanilla. 4. The Other Side of the Rose Wire What was the thing a girl like an angel endlessly carried? 5. Fish Out of Water A girl who lost her memories when she was dragged into a llake with her suicidal mother... awakens from her dream. 6. Mister Mineral Inside the body of a cute girl who's just like a doll... are internal organs, and blood, and... 7. Alive The sad tale of a human and a clone who pass right by each other.

Chibi Devi!

Sawada Honoka is a 14 year old girl who is very timid. She easily gets bullied by other classmates. Honoka is a non-believer in God, Angels, and Devils. Though one day, a devil baby was dropped into her room while she was sleeping. What will Honoka believe in now?

Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions

Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions summary: Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Company_ A Novel Of The CIA

The Company_ A Novel Of The CIA summary: The Company_ A Novel Of The CIA summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Company_ A Novel Of The CIA. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Matthew Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum and Other Poems

Matthew Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum and Other Poems summary: Matthew Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum and Other Poems summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Matthew Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum and Other Poems. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark

The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark summary: The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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