
































内容简介:秦素云做梦了,梦见自己被丈夫和朋友背叛,孤苦伶仃下场凄凉。在梦中她见到了一场全球性的自然灾难,整个世界生灵涂炭,寒冷,海啸,洪水,干旱……就在秦素云以为这只是个噩梦时,却发现原来这一切 都是1w0-99696 >>


内容简介:《重生之军妻凌人》为作者紫若非创作,作品重生之军妻凌人章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供紫若非精心编写原创重生之军妻凌人及无弹窗重生之军妻凌人全文免费阅读、TXT下载。简介关于重生之军妻凌 人:她是佣兵界大名在外的女王,一不留神,招了小人的背叛,重生在了废材大小姐的身上,从此在军营混的风生水起,灭渣男,虐渣女,勾男人,简直成了人生赢家。洛静姝,京都洛家大小姐,十八岁生日前,她是京都女混混,十八岁生日后,她却成了身穿绿军装的新兵,外人都说洛静姝摔坏了脑子!厉靖云,京都厉家大少,喜怒无常,手段毒辣,狡猾腹黑,这是外人眼里的厉大少,流氓,禽兽,无赖,这是洛静姝给他的定义。女主篇:“厉队,洛静姝把新兵班长打了!”厉靖云扶额……“厉队,洛静姝端了我方一个侦察营!”厉靖云捶胸……“厉队,洛静姝把选拔教官给秒杀了!”厉靖云开始后悔当初把这女人弄进军营了。男主篇:“洛洛,我受伤了”厉靖云抬着自己只是一点擦伤的胳膊来到洛静姝面前求安慰。洛静姝连正眼都不给一个,拿着装备直接走开,临走时来了句。“厉靖云,走路不用手!”厉靖云泪崩……这是一部男强女强军旅文,热血正能量,且看男主如何无赖纠缠俘获冷血无爱的女主放心。简介无能,欢迎入坑,一对一双洁。此文别名《厉少追妻记》《特种女王撩夫记》《佣兵女王重生》1w0-96281 >>


内容简介:地球进入灵气复苏时代,人类开启异能觉醒江南开局觉醒最强地摊系统,大力药水解毒小黄豆幸运樱桃供不应求世界顶级神豪、首富、美女校花、人气主播、高冷女神、巅峰强者纷纷前来求购。江南:“我对钱 亿点都不感兴趣我只想坑额,我的愿望是世界和平”1w3607-109906 >>


内容简介:新文预收已开,7月19日开文!本书又名《这世界太清奇我不想拯救肿么破》,《本救世主不想和变态谈恋爱》江狂拽酷炫厌世叶不幸被渣意外死亡后绑定了一个名为“对世界充满爱”的系统这是一个伪温柔 受养成被虐攻,实际上心机腹黑占有欲超强、时而少女时而变态精分攻养成呆傻狂拽被宠不自知受,一边谈恋爱一边拯救世界的虐心故事(大雾)求包养!1、专栏求包养倚剑长啸酒一壶2、求个预收~萌宠直播间、骑士与暴君各位书友要是觉得《小怪物喂养指南快穿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-108095 >>




内容简介:【帝王、杀伐果断、独宠、权谋】现代保全女组长衰爆的被委托人的恐怖情人溺毙,因而与水中一名古代小女孩灵魂错置而穿越;本以为可以一直当一个旁观者等待回现代的机会,却没想到当自己逐渐在意起周 围的人事物时,她开始变得比恶人更恶;尤其她为了保护自己唯一活下来的儿子穆无争,化身成以血腥来结束一切的恶女皇后;甚至她为了一劳永逸,刀子都毫不留情的指向她曾经最爱的丈夫穆唯尘……《帝君的恶女皇后》为1w0-64011 >>


内容简介:梅林从命运的轻响中苏醒,他看到这新世界钢铁尚未觉醒,神域荣光飘扬。寒冷冰川中,上帝的义人孤独守望。遗孤还在流浪,孩子仍未归乡。汹涌海潮上,海渊的女王难诉离殇。暴徒追亡逐北,火种保存希望 。渺渺群星外,数据的灵魂茫然打量。王者依然沉睡,泰坦神话消亡。未知世界下,异域的黑暗悄声隐藏。交错无序的故事中,他能否看清未来?忠诚的阴影,在火焰下消亡。重燃的火焰,在阴影中点亮。这是诸神的游戏,是黑夜的故事,是梅林的人生,亦是阴影的传奇。各位书友要是觉得《美漫世界阴影轨迹》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-8197 >>


内容简介:  深山有道观,香火早凋零。  鄙人不才,年方十九,打小就是一名道士,上有师兄十数位,下惟余最小,俗称关门弟子。师门太穷,师兄们难耐清苦,幸掌门师尊豁达,任由众师兄散伙而去。  后有三 位师兄迷途知返,年纪颇大,皆有四五十。  蒙师尊垂青,逝前传掌门之位于小道,然无论年岁或资历皆不能服众,三位师兄不服。师门不幸,小道不是软柿子,绝不退让,与之内讧。  山下村中,有新举人,乃小道发小,师尊逝前亦有交代,护送其进京赶考。义不容辞,且容小道人间走一遭,回来再与众师兄斗!  QQ书友群:  766900664(舵主群)  163628634(普通群)1w0-2526 >>


内容简介:简单の介:苟梁来往于各个任务世界,只为完成一项神秘而艰巨任务……吃货撩骚美貌受Vs酒窝控霸道主神攻出没防盗比例是:6o。宝贝们如果满了刷不出新章节可以清缓存,如还不能,戳我哦主受快穿, 欢乐不断,每日1大粗长,狗粮多的吃不完请宝贝们多多支持哟,打滚求收藏!mua!!阅读指南1)关键字:快穿!主受!系统!耐撩者入!十六个任务世界↓↓1校园:草1w0-25405 >>


内容简介:【玄幻】【高武】天道不容,十万年一轮回,十万年一毁灭。如今万年将至,天机预言,若救世者,需九转造化天功练至极致,集九元素为一体,生生不息,流转不灭,世当有一线生机。此举当为天道所不容, 欲修九转造化,必受天责。凌霄,欲修九世,踏凌天道之上!1w0-88354 >>


内容简介:文案一:穿越是种时尚,但是她从来不想追求流行,可显然老天并没考虑她的感受以及心理承受能力因为她穿了!穿就穿了吧,好歹也送她到向往以久的大唐盛世女皇时代瞻仰一下武则天的绝代容颜不是?结果 却把她弄到满街大辫子的清朝,尤其让人抓狂的是竟然是清朝历史上最风云诡谲的九龙夺嫡时期……天呐,你不堪贤愚枉为天;地呀,你不分好歹何为地?瓦没有失心疯,瓦虽然不是窦娥,但是瓦也冤呀,咋地也不能这样枉顾个人意愿送偶到这么1w0-97105 >>


内容简介:  重生在星际时代的洪息绣,原本想咸鱼的混吃等死,好好度过这三百年的人生,直到寿终正寝。结果一路过关斩将,硬生生活成了传奇。有机甲,有战舰,有热血,大概也还有一点其他狗血?排个雷:主角 是一对前生只有几年夫妻名义,却没有任何实质关系的夫妻。因为婚姻是中枢智脑匹配的,所以木有小三木有出轨,木有感情狗血!1w0-2956 >>

Kuroneko Renai Kumikyoku

There's a witch that makes your wildest dreams come true. She can make any wish of yours come true, in exchange for something precious. These are the stories about five different wishes. Includes the stories: • Kuroneko Renai Kumikyoku Have you heard of the world where a witch and her black cat live happily together? It's a paradise where nothing bad happens and no one gets sad. But then, the witch dies and the cat is left alone. Somehow, she [the cat] appears to become human. What is the fate of the black cat who searches for her witch in the human world? • Kioku no Mori (Forest of Memories) • Manatsu no Gin no Yume (Misdummer's Silver Dream) • Koori no Netsudo (The Ice's Temperature) • Tokiiro Meikyuu (Labyrinth of Time and Color)


A collection of one-shots. 1) Two boys are at odds with each other-- The trigger towards hot, gay sex? Eaten pudding and a girl with pigtails. 2) Jun confesses to the one he likes, only to be told he doesn't want to be with someone 'inexperienced'. Therefore, foreplay, a promiscuous boy, determination and jealousy lead to hot gay sex. 3) A group of classmates play chocolate roulette - a game of roulette which includes Guarana chocolate, which has the effect of an aphrodisiac. When Ogasawara draws it, his classmate cooperates to release his desire. [Prequel to Mix Mix Chocolate chapter 1.] 4) A very popular student uses his classmate to evade his girlfriends. But once girl gets angry and hits the classmate, then the hero takes him to the school infirmary, where bottled-up feelings leads to a confession.. and then some. 5) At a school festival, the right of Shimohira is put for auction. He is bought by the boy in which he had rejected a few years prior. After the revelation that the feelings once confessed still lingered, Shimohira reveals something rather surprising... 6) A tedious rich son orders his servant to preform an -ahem- lude task, which leads to something more. [YUMMY SHOTA] 7) A student decides to blindfold the one he likes, seducing him, all the while refusing to reveal his identity. Rather hot, gay sex ensues.

Othello (Yaoi)

Consists of four stories: 1) Othello- After Atsushi dies in a horrible accident, his twin brother Ayumu decides to steal his identity and returns to school in his place. He attempts to hide his reckless behavior and assume persona of his honor student brother. However, for some reason, Ayumu is unable to hide his true colors and composure around his classmate Kirishima. 2) Snow White in Summer- Kaoru returns to his child home to find that his once quiet and shy childhood friend Snow is now loud, mean, and violent, and the change is somehow his fault. 3) Night's Fragrance- masanari, and journalist, is sent to investigate the life of a popular and elusive artist, Sougetsu Tokiwa. While investigating, he comes across a beautiful and enigmatic boy whom is rumored to be Tokiwa's lover. 4) Night's Abyss (Haruka no Fuchi)- After the death of his wife, a man moves to the countryside and finds horror.

Wishing On The Moon

'Wishing on the Moon,' by Morinaga Milk, is the final story in the series that began with 'Even If We're Not Friends' and continued in 'If I Kiss Her Ring Finger' and 'Chocolate Kiss Kiss.' Can Nana and Hitomi manage to balance their relationship with the other demands on their time? Morinaga stopped drawing for the magazine after this issue, so this is all there is of Nana and Hitomi's story.

The Returner

The Returner summary: This story is centered around the man named Yi Ji-Hyuk, who has spent 1000 years in a Medieval Western fantasy-like world before returning back to the modern-day Earth. When he returns, he finds that his home is facing monster threats, and that humans with superpowers have appeared to protect the innocent people of Earth. The thing is, Yi Ji-Hyuk himself lived like a true, bona fide Demon King in that fantasy world, and the only reason(s) why he returned home is to find some peace and easy going life. So, what will a man like that do?

Infinite Jest

Infinite Jest summary: Infinite Jest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Infinite Jest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Children's Book of Christmas Stories

The Children's Book of Christmas Stories summary: The Children's Book of Christmas Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Children's Book of Christmas Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Red Pepper's Patients

Red Pepper's Patients summary: Red Pepper's Patients summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Red Pepper's Patients. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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