































内容简介:枕边月(姐妹ABO)枕边月(姐妹ABO)小说阅读其他小说类型小说枕边月(姐妹ABO)由作家二九创作χúsúωèиcó外表清纯实则色气逼人的妹妹Omega×一边温柔哄人一边做个不停的姐姐 Alpha快乐骨科爽上天,没什么剧情就是H小兵提供枕边月(姐妹ABO)最新章节枕边月(姐妹ABO)最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-132282 >>


内容简介:【团宠双马甲双洁男女主互撩】初次见面,她闯进他的房间,撞上刚出浴的他,淡定的顶着他危险的目光,放肆的调戏:“帅哥,身材不错啊”第二次见面,在盛大的宴会上,她明艳张扬,前脚虐完人,后脚就 凑到他身边,又乖又软的问:“听说我是你挡箭牌女友,那哥哥能帮我这个工具人一个忙呗”从此,秦爷家里多了一个作天作地的小妖精,每天在他心尖上撩火。众人都说,安家的真千金处处比不上假千金,是从乡下长大的土老帽,连假千金的头发丝都比不上。结果,连同假千金,全被强势打脸,被虐的心肝脾肺,哪哪都疼。众人又说,真千金就算比假千金乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《秦爷怀里的真千金又美又撩》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69303 >>


内容简介:  【高订2w+的精品小说,起点编辑联合推荐】给物品加点,可以让物品拥有奇怪的特殊能力,给动植物加点,可以改变它们的形态,可以点化它们成妖怪,给自己加点,可以获得种种技能,天赋和超能力 ,这是一个有趣的故事,生活向轻松小说。已给系统,主角自己,手机,游泳池,马戏团,书本,沙漏,豹子,竹林等等加点...尽情期待后续内容。=====读者群:664616129======全订读者群:777015057(粉丝值4000以上,加群前找管理验证截图)=已有高订8000+精品完本小说《神级采集术》,请放心开宰!1w0-856 >>


内容简介:【千术】【悬疑】【腹黑】我出生千门,千门分八将,上八将和下八将,上八将才是千门正统,手法高明,多方配合,讲究‘术法’,下八将最为让人不齿,没有高明手段,只能坑蒙拐骗,坏事做尽。我的叔叔 是正统的千门正将,我和他学了很多手段,但十赌九亡,在我而立之年,因为千术而进去了,整日唱铁窗泪,现在我弃暗投明,想给大家讲讲我曾经的故事,起到一些警示作用……1w0-130200 >>


内容简介:写在前面的求生欲本文非传统虫族文,雌攻雄受,主受,作者文笔小白,死逻辑,完全属于自产粮,本质无脑互宠小甜饼,喜欢传统虫族文或铁血攻控受控的小可爱,请迅速点击右上角x号逃生,犹豫就会被雷 带下预收我1w0-123381 >>


内容简介:本书简介:没钱不可怕,没钱还倒霉就悲催了。家道中落,云映桥和父亲背井离乡上京讨生活。靠着摆摊卖字,进侯府帮工,日子步上正轨,眼看就要脱贫致富,奔小康。结果却因为招惹了不该招惹的人,人生 发生了翻天覆地的变化。“主人,我对嫁您没兴趣,求放过!”1w0-76088 >>


内容简介:(又名斗罗主导权缺失——【我想说的】副CP戴家兄弟(微),比比东友好,结尾武魂殿国教,无战争剧情。平均周更,单次间隔周更加减两天。【我接受的】友善的评论或者言之有理的负分【我拒绝的】外 主观的负分和人身攻击【我期待的】专栏里第一棵树一定要长好嘛……不知道会遇到多少小天使1w0-99700 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大唐:退休帝师】苏浪,大唐的传奇人物!武德年间,被封为唐王、丞相、大司马!贞观元年,又被封为帝师、柱国大将军!而现在,他退休了!“叮!退休养老系统,开始绑定! ”“叮!绑定成功唯一宿主,生出任务清单中……”从此之后,苏浪简单完成任务,便能获得丰厚奖励。面朝秦岭,春暖花开,左牵长乐,右领晋阳,快乐就是这么简单!长乐公主:“苏哥哥,我要看电影,我要吃西瓜。苏哥哥再等我六年,等长乐长发及腰,就娶长乐可好?”程咬金:“说出来,你们可能不信!我家帝师在家养马,养着养着就养出一堆老虎来。所以我骑马来你们漠南,也很正常吧!”李世民:“东突厥可汗,高句丽国王,吐飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢大唐:退休帝师,别忘记分享给朋友作者:萌动独狼所写的《大唐:退休帝师》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-86577 >>


内容简介:【日更一万】他是亿万少女的梦,令人闻风丧胆的帝国决策人,却偏偏对她束手无策,用尽手段逼她结婚,妄图用一本证书绑住她。“记住,从这一刻开始,不许出席混乱的娱乐场合,不许喝男人给的酒,不许 与除了我以外的任何男人有肢体接触。否则,后果很严重。”凌天雅突然觉得自己就像是个被家长管束的青春期少女一样,不许这个不许那个。“你的要求有些过分了,我会有应酬,我……”男人搂着她,似乎要将她融进身体里一般,“1w0-4906 >>


内容简介:宋知暖一回国就从单身变成有“家室”的人,楚乾风一下子就从冰山禁欲男成了忠犬小奶狗。“楚总,宋小姐当着众人的面将设计师的作品给扔了!”“楚总,宋小姐和您父亲杠上了,还把何总监给逼哭了!” 自此,楚乾风踏上宠妻之路一去不复返,完美遵从了什么是符合现代男子标准的“三从四德”。1w0-77905 >>


内容简介:穿越为十四岁的美貌小娘子,却是一名死了未婚夫的小节妇,上有严谨古板的婆婆、下有刁钻弟妹。后面是烽火四起、前方是祸结兵连。咱要发扬一不怕苦二不怕累的精神,在乱世中活出精彩、与幸福。好不容 易让婆婆疼、弟1w0-46531 >>


内容简介:【1月4号入v,三更走起】白晓晓一朝穿到了书里,乡野村妇的开局,拿的剧本是反派的恶毒前妻,毒夫杀子又红杏出墙!反派还是重生的未来权臣,表面温润如玉君子,实则心狠手辣到家。面对这样的困局 ,白晓晓保持淡定,好在必死剧情还未展开,她还有救!!!傅玉重活一世,准备继续上一世的轨迹,不过除了成为权臣以外,他还要亲手杀了恶毒前妻。狠狠的折磨她!本来是这么想的,但是,与原计划有着一些出入。不知为何各位书友要是觉得《穿成偏执反派的恶毒前妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84245 >>

Ame No Murakumono

There is an ancient government office, which was first founded by Queen Himiko, to deal with difficulties arising from supernatural forces. Even today, that agency secretly exists and deals with curses and other dark forces that threaten Japan. Kushinata Orochi is skilled in these supernatural arts, and he and his physically powerful sidekick Ayame take on cases that deal with supernatural troubles. Now, they have a very ancient and powerful force to deal with in Kageyama City...

Baby Pink Kiss

[From ShoujoMagic]: This volume is a collection of short love stories. Story 1: Romantic Love Complex The rumors of Hitomi's sexual exploits are getting out of hand, and Hitomi's nerdy boyfriend, Gaku, of course has heard them all. With his parents' vacation house all to themselves during the holidays, he's determined to have Hitomi turn him into a real man. What he doesn't know is that Hitomi started the rumors herself because she was too afraid to admit that... (!!!) Story 2: Hold Me, Holy Knight Kana has broken up with her boyfriend just in time to make Christmas very lonely. That's when she meets Iikura, a handsome stranger who offers to be her boyfriend for the sake of the holiday. He's a little unorthodox, and shy in the one way that Kana expects a man to be aggressive. Charmed by Iikura's eccentricity, will Kana give both her body and heart to him before the holy night is over? Story 3: Totally Pure Heart It's Valentine's Day at Kurumi's school, and Kurumi made chocolate the night before with someone specific in mind. When it comes down to sink-or-swim, and Kurumi must present it or be stuck with her own hand-made chocolate heart... she sinks. Running from her embarrassment (and her persistent friends), she ends up alone in a room with Matsuura, one of the most popular boys in school who is also doing his best to evade Valentine's Day. Although he's weighed down with chocolate gifts, he's determined to steal Kurumi's pure chocolate heart... Story 4: Flower Couple The continuation of 'Totally Pure Heart.' Kurumi's friend Chisato is well-meaning when she suggests that confessing love for Matsuura or sleeping with him too often will make him grow tired of the relationship quickly. Kurumi is also well-meaning when she brings Chisato and asks Matsuura to invite a male friend for the 'camping trip for two' that Matsuura planned. Getting mixed signals from Kurumi and being scrutinized by Chisato, Matsuura is frustrated, and it's only a matter of time before someone cracks. Story 5: The Glass Shoe Doesn't Fit Mia and Ikurou have been friends since childhood, but lately Ikurou has taken an interest in the lovely Satoe. While Mia drops subtle hints that Ikurou fails to pick up, she gets to constantly hear how she's not quite as cute as Satoe. It becomes too much for Mia, and when another handsome and highly sexual student asks her to be his girlfriend, she has no good reason to refuse. When Ikurou learns of Mia's new male acquisition, the lovely Satoe suddenly seems less attractive to him, but his realization may have come too late...

Boku No Shotaiken

Disappointed that the girl he loves does not return his affections, Eitaro attempts to commit suicide. But his near dead-body is discovered by a scientist and his mind is transferred to the body of a young girl. As a girl, Eitaro soon learns that the girl of his dreams did in fact love him, so they try to make the relationship work despite the fact that Eitaro is in a girl's body.

Shiki Tsukai

Young Akira has a destiny: He's a shiki tsukai, a warrior with the magical power to control the seasons. He also meets the beautiful Koyomi, another warrior, who is sworn to protect him. For there are evil forces intent on destroying Akira - and the entire universe!

Jeppe on the Hill

Jeppe on the Hill summary: Jeppe on the Hill summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jeppe on the Hill. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


GOD summary: This is a tale of blood and tears about collecting pets.
In his entire life, the greatest ambition of the free-spirited little devil, Shooting Star, is to collect all sorts of beautiful pets.
Elves and angels are definitely on the list. Can legendary mermaids be included too? If so, how about a dragon as well?
However, one should not bite off more than one can chew. When defeating monsters, one should not start with the Demon King first, so of course, one should not start collecting pets with a dragon.
It would be better to start the collection with this amber-eyed swordsman!
Shooting Star: I’m just an honorable, veteran member of the Appearances a.s.sociation. Is wishing to collect beautiful pets against the law? Since when did I end up riding the luxurious, one-way train to doomsday? Can I still disembark right now?
Oh My G.o.d~
Even if G.o.d says that doomsday is approaching, pets still need to be collected!

An Introduction to Philosophy

An Introduction to Philosophy summary: An Introduction to Philosophy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Introduction to Philosophy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Love Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft to Gilbert Imlay

The Love Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft to Gilbert Imlay summary: The Love Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft to Gilbert Imlay summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Love Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft to Gilbert Imlay. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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