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内容简介:  一白发老者哭丧着脸:“医生,我中了衰老术只有一年好活了,我才20啊,还有救吗?”  吴斯摆摆手:“别慌,只是脱水、酪氨酸酶活性降低、激素水平下降而已,验个血然后去补液,再做个机体活 性化治疗就好了。下一个!”  “Ruaaaaa!!呃……”张着血盆大口的幽冥狼刚冲进来,就被吴斯扼住脖子捏成了渣渣。  拍拍手,他有些不满:“保安怎么做事的,狗子都放进来了。”  “吴医生,这病人快不行啦!中了女妖尖啸,现在室颤了!”护士高呼。  “除颤仪接上,备300毫克胺碘酮!再把咱的同频脑电干涉仪给他戴上,我这就来。”吴斯身影瞬间消失,甚至留了个在开医嘱的残像……1w0-3428 >>




内容简介:【推推基友江枝亚罗新文《全世界都觉得我是纸片人》】【晚九点更新,绝赞日更中】【推推预收《从零开始cos黑衣组织》,点击专栏直达可收藏,文案在最下面!】意大利里世界执柄者,血腥与暴力为之 加冕的mafia教父,其名为沢田纲吉的男人,为了拯救世界而亲手策划了自己的死亡,造就了八兆亿世界的奇迹为了让他复活,也为了拥有一个和平稳定的未来,世界意识给他绑定了一个什么白月光系统,只有符合人设完成白月光任务,才能成功复活。于是——卧底入酒厂干到二把手,再不叛逃就要成为首领的温柔警视厅前辈战争之后被国家抛弃,毫无才能平平无奇、却能够成为文豪们心灵之友的三流流浪诗人……沢田纲吉顶着系统给的病弱buff套着格格不入的奇怪人设,终于完成了任务。最终,当他再度醒来——“我无法再看您离去。”“所谓的朋友,就是时时刻刻都能看见对方才对吧?”“如果你不告而别的话,我会极限地愤怒的!”“kufufufu,我不允许任何人在我之前夺走你。”“违反风纪,咬杀。”“呜quq阿纲是大笨蛋呜哇哇哇!!”——他的自然灾害们,似乎患上了不得了的ptsd更可怕的是……“沢田……前辈?”“沢田老师!”“沢田……”1w0-125619 >>


内容简介:农民工郤向阳在一次事故中丧命,却重生到改革浪潮风起云涌的八十年代。雄心壮志做弄潮儿,彻底来次命运大逆袭,风风火火再造人生辉煌。不再搬砖,从摆地摊开启商业帝国。不再受穷,老子是纵横商界的 大亨。不再受人欺凌,老子看心情随便欺凌人。不再怕老婆跑了,老子身边美女如云。火热年代,火热的激情,把梦想点燃。火热年代,火热的干劲,把梦想1w0-89050 >>




内容简介:江成穿越到女频玄幻小说世界,成为了男一号。但女主的身边,什么帅气小鲜肉,什么可爱青少年,什么威猛大兄弟,好像看着…人有点多啊?我还是去看看那个孤独又专情的女反派吧。“江成哥哥,你怎么和 那种女人在一起!你不是我的吗?!”【原简介在章内】1w0-91067 >>


内容简介:被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节列:小说《被嫌弃的妹妹》吃饱饱睡觉觉著被嫌弃的妹妹全文阅读被嫌弃的妹妹是吃饱饱睡觉觉写的穿越重生类小说兄弟战争被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节列:小说《兄弟战争被嫌弃的妹妹》吃 饱饱睡觉觉著兄弟战争被嫌弃的妹妹全文阅读猥琐流吐槽向?慢热中长篇,鼻天然呆老爸的再婚对象居然有十三个儿子!有魅力无敌的前继姐日向绘麻珠玉在前,从小生活在老爸各种烂摊子阴影下、“无男友史年龄”的女刺头能否成为一名魔法少啊不!后宫之主?故事发生在原作的两年之后,至于绘麻为毛不是女主,属于剧透范围,麻亲妈请放心。白文,毁原作,慎重入坑于作者是个没有爱与梦想的成年人,灵感时有枯竭,此文不坑,跪谢民那桑的支持,真空小新人昨xmlampxmlamp声明《被嫌弃的妹妹》作者吃饱饱睡觉觉写的被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节小说在线阅读,实时同步更新被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节,书友所发表的被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节评论,并不代表要看书赞同被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节或者支持被嫌弃的妹妹读者阅读的此观点,我们的立场仅限于传播更多读者感兴趣的信息。如果小说被嫌弃的妹妹最新章节浏览,或对小说被嫌弃的妹妹内容、版权等方面有质疑,或对本站有意见建议请到站务管理区发帖,如果发现《被嫌弃的妹妹》小说最新章节未及时更新请联系我们。如果您喜欢小说被嫌弃的妹妹请支持作者到书店购买正版图书。感谢您的合作与支持。各位书友要是觉得《被嫌弃的妹妹》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27925 >>


内容简介:【傲娇炸毛X偏执深情】南陌是只兔子精。快化成人形时被许初洵逮住。许初洵本来是想把兔子炖了吃的,结果发现…这兔子喜欢炸毛,喜欢嗷嚎,喜欢看狗血剧,喜欢藏独食,还喜欢窝在角落里啃胡萝卜。许 初洵摸着下巴:有趣。南陌:狗血剧看到一半把我拎走,吃胡萝卜吃到一半把我拎走,好不容易屯起来的食物还给我扔了?!你以为我好欺负?——————南陌是兔王的儿子。和一众妖王的长子厮混多年,威名在外。如今却要在男人面前撒娇打滚就放过。1w0-94090 >>


内容简介:“叮”“恭喜您打开《最狂末日红警系统》。”“你将获得毁灭亿万位面洪荒之力。”“叮”“由于你收藏,点赞,投推荐,本系统将会送你1亿万个妹子。”“叮。由于妹子数量过于庞大,你孤身一人无法守 护,本系统将会送你一千亿级士兵,为您保驾护航。”“叮。本系统推出最狂礼包,只要你点赞,推荐,打赏,就能获得:{QQ群5714o5188}为您量身打造级角色。”1w0-40587 >>

Yankee To Yandere No Karera Ni Wa Tomodachi Ga Inai

Yankee to Yandere no Karera ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Yankee to Yandere no Karera ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mascara Blues

[Summary by: Love_Blossom] Contains 3 One-shots Mascara Blues: Mugino falls in love with any boy who 'sparkles' in front of her eyes! But after they start dating, the 'sparkle' slowly dies. She talks about her problems to her friend, Shuuya. After seeing another guy lose his 'sparkle', Mugino goes to talk to Shuuya but finds that he has a 'sparkle' too! She doesn't want to date him because she has a feeling that if his sparkle dies, then she'll have to dump him and they're friendship may never be the same again. Draft of Romance: Tsuda always stares at Takasuga. But when their eyes meet, Takasuga glares at her with scary eyes. She only stares at him because she remembers a day when she was going on the bus and dropped her bag. She quickly tried to pick it up and found a guy who helped her. When she got on the bus she said 'Thank You' but the doors were already close. She was determined that Takasuga was the guy, but if he isn't..... So I Can Be Myself -A Long Dream-: Hikaru wakes up every morning and feels that today's going to be a long dream. Then she meets a hairstylist, Mashima Eiji, who asks her to be his hair model. When she tells her friends this, they warn her not to fall in love with him because hairstylist are know to 'play' with you. But she can't stop thinking about him! Is he just going to play around with her, or will he take her seriously if she confesses?

Tsuki Ni Ichido No Omeshi Agari

Coarse guy Maki is invited out once a month by childhood friend, elegant businessman Sugimoto Shinji. Maki always feels a little uncomfortable at the fancy places Shinji takes him too, but he goes anyway. He knows that Shinji's had a crush on him for a long time, and though Maki is straight lately he's been getting annoyed whenever Shinji talks about his boyfriends...

Juukou B-Fighter

Based on the TV Series of the same name, insects all over the world begin to swarm for unknown reasons, with other animals and plants acting strange as well. To investigate this, Takuya Kai is dispatched with an Earth Academia group. Investigating independently, Takuya finds Guru who reveals that insects are preparing for battle against invaders from another dimension. Offering their aid, the Earth Academia create suits of armor to combat the threat as the Jamahl arrive to Earth to enslave humans. Though they have trouble perfecting the Bio-Machinery, Guru arrives to infuse the armor with the life force of many insects. Once the suits become the B-Commanders, one suit chooses Takuya while the other two bond to Daisaku Katagiri and Rei Hayama. With their newfound power, the B-Fighters fight to drive back Jamahl's forces. (Wikipedia)

Ice Dragon

Ice Dragon summary: Ice Dragon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ice Dragon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

No Treason

No Treason summary: No Treason summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of No Treason. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Don't Heal The Others

Don't Heal The Others summary: Online Game: Don’t Heal the Others is a long fiction written by He Daozhang. Xiao Feng, the protagonist of the story was an ace at online games. By accident, he knew a game called Mystery which can reduce human’s energy consumption and improve the s.p.a.ce-allocation on the earth. In this game, he hit monsters, increased his levels and met a lot of friends. However, at the same time, he was inevitably drawn into the struggle within and outside the labor union. What should he do? And what difficulties would he face? The following are his inner monologues. I was killed in the game and asked him/her to fight offline only to find that she was a girl. What should I do? I wanted to be a support and carry my team-mates only to find that all of them were newbies, what should I do? Please don’t court death and let me kill the boss with the hammer! To conclude, this story is about a support who would have liked to carry all his team-mates. However, after realizing that support could not save the world, he resolutely picked up the hammer and killed the boss in the game.

The Well of Saint Clare

The Well of Saint Clare summary: The Well of Saint Clare summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Well of Saint Clare. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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