
























类别恋爱 霸总 生活








内容简介:崔恒穿越了,系统告诉他这里是一个高级仙侠世界。仙王纵横,凶兽遍地,大能们一言不合就会打爆星系,毁灭世界,吓得他瑟瑟发抖。还好系统为了保护他,提供了三百年的新手保护期,只要在保护区内,就 不会受到任何伤害。于是,崔恒开始了三百年的修仙之路。这三百年里,陆续有人误入这里。有的出身卑微,做过和尚,做过乞丐,却有平定天下,拯救万民的大志。有的出身不凡,曾是绝世天才,却突遭厄运,资质大降,饱受冷眼。有的贵为公主,却只想找回自己的哥哥,不为成仙,只为在红尘中等他归来。有的体弱多病,却梦想着闯荡天下,锄强扶弱,成为一代侠女。……崔恒本着结交善缘的心态,给了他们亿点点帮助。三百年后,系统的新手保护期结束,崔恒也终于金丹大成,怀着颤抖的心走了出去。却发现这里居然只是一个武侠世界!1w0-29481 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者六月葱的经典小说:《穿越后我买了一条懒人鱼》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【通知栏:早六点更,日更3000,和编辑商议后将于本周五入V,当 天万字更新掉落。】一朝车祸,新锐珠宝设计师乔宿穿成了一个贫困潦倒的古代人。不仅面临着被逼婚的局面,还继承了原主的家徒四壁。好在乔宿一技在手,凭借着新颖的设计和精湛的手艺,她摆脱难缠的亲戚,掳获富婆的芳心,从一贫如洗到吃穿不愁。隐州城只有两位首饰匠人,他们相互配合哄抬价格,赚得盆满钵满,却不想某日来了个女匠人和他们抢生意。两人表示呵1w0-73245 >>


内容简介:她叫沈蔷薇,无论是美貌,还是运气。从沈小姐到墨太太,无缝连接,她的运气好到开挂。墨先生冷俊清贵,商场上杀伐果断,唯独拿她不知所措。爱不得,恨不得,也舍不得。在这场名为爱情的战役里,沈蔷 薇战无不胜。人人都说她命好,但其实,她不过是,极其幸运的,成为了墨先生心尖上的那个人罢了。爱情就像是酒,墨锦棠显然在名为沈蔷薇的这种酒里,贪杯沉醉。1w0-60537 >>


内容简介:本文在517号入v,当天下午3点万更,拜托拜托养肥的也支持一下首订,这对作者很重要哦,么么夏冬穿越了,成了一颗垃圾星上出生的珍贵雄虫。“你安全了,但是你确定要申请入军队服役吗?那很辛苦 。”眼前的雌虫穿着黑色的军服,白银色的绶带从肩膀一侧环绕而过,黑曜石一般的眼睛泛着冷色,只是其中也蕴含着难言的温柔。“是的,我1w0-80461 >>


内容简介:一次意外让叶枫带着两年游戏经验,重新进入《地球ol》这款风靡全球,集冒险、争霸、建设、休闲、贸易等一体的世界级全息网游。利用先知先觉,在游戏中抓住一次又一次机遇,让他的人生变得不再平凡 ,一步步走向巅峰,成就逆天霸业!在这个波澜壮阔的大时代,当然也少不了历史名将,咱来者不拒!--他就是———神级领主!神级哲1w0-82253 >>


内容简介:关于簪缨问鼎:因公殉职,梁峰梁大少莫名其妙穿到西晋,那个上承三国乱世,下启五胡十六国的短命王朝。困在个美貌病秧子的躯壳中,是靠脸吃饭、装逼耍帅混个名士当当?还是练兵种田、和胡虏争霸中原 ?牵着异族小狼狗,梁少表示,都可以干干!腹黑霸气风流男主犬异族文基本受,番外可能反攻w下克上,直掰弯,强强10更新w球收藏!球包养!换封面啦≧▽≦感谢亲爱滴青临同学ampgt333amplt欢喜跑上来!下周二4月26日入家开心咩w保质保量完结文↓仙侠奇幻↓↓现代商战↓↓穿书武侠↓↓风水灵异↓↓星际科幻↓微博捂脸233,可以近距离围观w一定要来瞅瞅哦↑这是专栏快来包养我ampgt簪缨问鼎是原作者捂脸大笑精心创作的都市小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新簪缨问鼎最新章节,书友所发表的簪缨问鼎评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持簪缨问鼎书友的观点。捂脸大笑的其他作品:入妄反穿书、重生投资人生、星辰之王重生您要是觉得《簪缨问鼎》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w0-27829 >>


内容简介:萧云的系统只会一个功能——顿悟!体质平凡?顿悟混沌体!功法难修?顿悟圆满境界!神通难修?顿悟圆满境界!没有什么是顿悟不能解决的,如果有,那就顿悟十次,百次……玄幻,我顿悟了混沌体1w1 7209-76321 >>


内容简介:一切轮回的开端,既是从零开始的选拔,也是生与死的竞争,铁与血之间的较量。(PS:已完本三百二十万字长篇《无限之开荒者》,从未断更,人品保证,请放心收藏。)书友交流群:19512950喜 欢本书的大大,没事可以到群里与书友们交流交流哦!1w0-31981 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:直播护林日常:国宝大熊猫赖上我】毕业后,李耀获得直播系统,回到老家成为护林员。平时游走于山川森林,与观众分享大自然的美好。一次山上巡林,意外遇到了黑白相间的生 物。“大团子要不要跟我回去!!”看着蠢萌的国宝,李耀露出淡淡的微笑,自信的拿出胡萝卜诱拐。然而大熊猫带着胡萝卜,屁颠屁颠的跑了跑了一时间,李耀的表情愣住。“哈哈哈!!笑死我了。”“主播:只要我不尴尬,尴尬的是大熊猫。”“本熊猫可是国宝,白嫖完就溜真刺激,你能拿我怎么样?(战术后仰)”大团子:“熊民族永不为奴,除非包吃包住,还有盆盆奶。”李耀之后巡林,左黑白团子,右金渐层,怀中还抱着只小滚滚。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-77180 >>


内容简介:他!北境之王!无双战神! 他!一心一意!只为守护自己妻儿! 王者归来! 势必牵其她的手! 君临天下!1w0-4529





Gamble Fish

The story is set at Shishidou, a school attended by rich and elite people. Tomu Shirasagi, a gambler, is a mysterious new transfer student who has come from a public school (instead of a prestigious private one) and faces the elitist environment. There, he declares a challenge toward any student and claims he will bring to the ruin the whole school through a series of gambling matches. Nobody knows why he has come to that school or what the real motivations behind his actions are. During any match, Tomu shows off all of his unique coolness and ability. He employs a wide range of tricks, both psychological and physical, to ensure his victory. In any game, you will constantly ask how he's planning to win, why he's really doing certain things, and what's really going on. At the end of the matches, the tricks are revealed, and they all work in real life, even if they do require one to be highly skilled or lucky in order to perform them. The story centers around the various matches he undertakes and the interactions between the various characters, like Mika Shishidou, the beautiful granddaughter of the school headmaster, who is highly intelligent but contemptuous and superb, or Abidani, the vampiric looking dorm superintendent and main villain (for now) in the series, who has a sadistic personality and whose goal is to make Tomu leave his school (or to get him killed). As the story unfolds, more about Tomu's past is revealed, leading to unpredictable turns of events.

Cross (Ooga Asagi)

From Stand Alone Scanlation: Cross stands for City Radical Open Security Samurai. With the population growth due to internationalization, the severity and new types of crimes increased. In turn, a new police organization, CROSS, came into being. Country of origin, date of origin, all unknown. Put simply, the purpose of the organization was to utilize abilities, public devotion, and manpower to protect one another.

Love & Catastrophes

A collection of 6 oneshots: 1. Escape. Akio is a juvenile delinquent who just got suspended from school for beating up the PE teacher, Koizumi is a model student. One day Akio runs into Koizumi at a convenience store and before you know it, they're driving around in a stolen car. How come Akio even knows Koizumi's name? And why is he stopping the car in this out-of-the-way place? 2. Soulful Cherry Bomb. For the last year and a half, Shuuji has been dating Kawano, but since Kawano got married a while ago, he's been coming by less and less, and when he does show up, they only have quick sex. Still, Shuuji is not so hard up that he would pay any attention to the crazy high schooler he met at the laundromat, no matter how much that kid says he likes him and wants to go out. Not even when the kid goes to ridiculous lengths to convince him of his sincerity. Or? 3. No Place to Go Home to. Odagiri Motoharu is a novelist who's taking a break from everything by renting an apartment in his old hometown, away from all his obligations in Tokyo. He wonders whether anyone will really miss him, whether anyone actually cares about his, rather than what he can do for them. Hirotomo lives next door, with Katsurou, and while the latter's girlfriend is there, Hirotomo is waiting outside, in the snow. Odagiri feels sorry for him, and takes him out to eat. When they return, Hirotomo shows his gratitude in a rather forward way, and that sets off a strange affair.


It's about four people. A young police man who joined the force so he could beat people up legally. While he was on the join he messed up and was almost fired but instead was given the job of body guard. So now he has to live like a teen again. the second one is a kid who was raised to take over a large business till they found the real heir. He then became the servant of the new heir. the third one is the new heir. She used to be a normal girl who was orphaned at a young age but was soon found to be the heiress. She used to be normal but the power and money twisted her head and made her a spoiled brat who doesn't care about anyone but her self. The last one is a biker gang's boss. She has a thing for rules and is rather strong. Though her appearance is the total opposite of her strength. She was the reason why the police man almost got fired. She has an odd way with people and can easily persuade them. She is also a body guard for the rich heiress though the reasons are unknown. Read this manga from right to left

Privy Seal

Privy Seal summary: Privy Seal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Privy Seal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Maddox Brothers: Beautiful Burn

The Maddox Brothers: Beautiful Burn summary: The Maddox Brothers: Beautiful Burn summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Maddox Brothers: Beautiful Burn. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Imaginary Invalid

The Imaginary Invalid summary: The Imaginary Invalid summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Imaginary Invalid. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Rogue Angel - The Spirit Banner

Rogue Angel - The Spirit Banner summary: Rogue Angel - The Spirit Banner summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rogue Angel - The Spirit Banner. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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